It turns out that Elon Musk never deleted Tesla and SpaceX fanpage on Facebook

Elon Musk has deleted SpaceX and Tesla's Facebook page after just a few sentences on Twitter. But recently there has been evidence that the CEO of both SpaceX and Tesla did not perform as stated.

After a serious data leak from Facebook, the Facebook deletion campaign took place to protest this platform and attracted many celebrities, including Elon Musk. The CEO of both SpaceX and Tesla erased Tesla's Facebook with SpaceX (a total of 2 pages totaled 2.6 million likes) after only a few lines of Tweet. However, recently there has been evidence that Elon Musk has "unpublished" 2 Tesla Facebook pages with SpaceX, but has not deleted them as mentioned.

Picture 1 of It turns out that Elon Musk never deleted Tesla and SpaceX fanpage on Facebook

After just a few sentences on Twitter, Elon Musk deleted SpaceX and Tesla's Facebook page.

This means, 2 page Tesla and SpaceX are only temporarily hidden to the user at the present time, and the administrator can still access normally.

According to Ananay Arora's explanation, this is the reason when users access these 2 pages, only the notice of the content of these pages is not available at the present time (isn ' t available right now) or "the page can only be displayed to an audience that does not include you" (may only be visible to an audience you're not in), not a notification that the page has been removed from Facebook (may đã được gỡ bỏ).

Picture 2 of It turns out that Elon Musk never deleted Tesla and SpaceX fanpage on Facebook
If you access a deleted Facebook page, it will display this message.

Picture 3 of It turns out that Elon Musk never deleted Tesla and SpaceX fanpage on Facebook
When accessing a page that has been hidden by the administrator (like Tesla and SpaceX's page), this message will appear.

You can access the and links to check.

Ananay Arora added that when using Facebook developer tools to check the URL associated with Tesla page (currently hidden), the result will be a line of code, indicating that the status of this page has not been deleted. .

Picture 4 of It turns out that Elon Musk never deleted Tesla and SpaceX fanpage on Facebook
The code of the Tesla Facebook page shows that it has never been deleted

In addition, according to Faceboo's regulations, when deleting the page, after 14 days, the new data will be permanently deleted, and the ID number associated with the page's link will be lost. Musk has removed 2 pages of Tesla and SpaceX on March 23, and it has been 25 days for the time being that both SpaceX and Tesla still have a normal working ID number.

Picture 5 of It turns out that Elon Musk never deleted Tesla and SpaceX fanpage on Facebook

And when a page is hidden, it can also be displayed by the administrator at any time.

See more:

  1. This is how to delete Facebook Fanpage
  2. Things to do before deleting your Facebook account
  3. Want to disappear from the Internet, do you think erasing your social network account is done?
  4. How to change the black text BFF to blue to create special effects on Facebook
Update 24 May 2019


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