Instructions on how to separate music from videos

Instructions on how to separate music from videos. Many times we come across a pretty good music video and want to save it to our computer to listen to, but we just want to save the audio part without wanting to see the video part of the video.

Many times we come across a pretty good music video and want to save it to our computer to listen to, but we just want to save the audio part without wanting to see the video part of the video. Because the size of the video is always higher than that of mp3 music, it will be very memory intensive. In these cases, we only need to separate the music from the video to be able to comfortably listen and save to the device without fear of consuming memory. The following article of will guide you how to separate music from videos with just a few simple steps. Please follow along.

To separate music from video we will use Fomat Factory , which is a very popular software for converting music, video and file formats.

You can download the software at the following link:

You download and install normally, the steps to install this software are quite simple.

Following are the steps to separate music from video using Fomat Factory software:

Step 1: Start the application, in the main interface of the application, select Audio and then select the music format you want to extract. Here we will choose the MP3 format.

Picture 1 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

Step 2 : A new window appears, click Add file to select the video to extract music

Picture 2 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

Step 3 : The file browser window appears, you can select multiple videos at the same time, then click Open

Picture 3 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

Step 4 : After selecting the video is complete you click OK to continue.

Picture 4 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

Step 5 : After clicking OK you will be returned to the original interface, this time the video has appeared on the list. Click Start to begin the conversion process.

Picture 5 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

Wait a moment for the video to be converted:

Picture 6 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

After conversion is complete, it will have Complete, you click Output Folder button to open the folder containing the music has been extracted.

Picture 7 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

And here is the mp3 file that has been removed from the video:

Picture 8 of Instructions on how to separate music from videos

So, with just a few simple steps, we have been able to isolate the music file from the video using Fomat factory software. Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


Mac OS X



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