How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful. Are you looking to do a crossword puzzle on PowerPoint so that students can play, crosswords can be related to the content of lesson knowledge to help students consolidate their knowledge. But the contacts

Are you looking to do a crossword puzzle on PowerPoint so that students can play, crosswords can be related to the content of lesson knowledge to help students consolidate their knowledge. But you do not know how to do it yet? So, please refer to the article below to know how to make crosswords in PowerPoint fast and beautiful.

Picture 1 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Below is a tutorial on how to make crosswords in PowerPoint, you can download the .pptx sample file at the end of the lesson.

Step 1 : Open PowerPoint, delete all available PowerPoint textboxes on the slide, then right-click and choose Format Backgound.

Picture 2 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

The Format Background section on the right shows the background for PowerPoint (if you want to leave a white background, there is no need to fill the background) in the Fill section . Then choose Apply to All to apply the background to all slides.

Picture 3 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 2: Add a title for the game: Crossword GAME

Select Insert -> WordArt to create art fonts or you select Insert -> Text Box and draw textbox frames on the slide.

Picture 4 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Next, enter the text of the word LIST GAME in the textbox and move the textbox to the position at the top of the slide. Then select (black out) the text and apply color and font correction in the Font section of the Home tab .

Picture 5 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Next you create the effect for the text by selecting the Animation tab and selecting the Underline command (or an effect you want in the yellow Emphasis section ).

Picture 6 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

To adjust the effect of the running text until the end of the slideshow, select Animation Pane on the Animation tab . On the right of Animation Pane, click the black arrow next to the name of the text box and select Timing .

Picture 7 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Dialog box names effects you chose above, in the card Timing of your choice in the Start is with Previous , in the Duration you choose runtime effect accordingly, and in part Repeat the Until End of Slide later then click OK to close.

Picture 8 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

You can add other Text Box to add information for the title.

Picture 9 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 3 : Insert the picture containing the question number.

Click the Insert tab -> Shapes -> Oval.

Picture 10 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Press Shift to draw a circle, you can also draw shapes for arbitrary questions and resize the image. Next in the Format tab, select the style in the Shape Styles section , fill the background color with the shape in the Shape Fill section , the border color in the Shape Outline section , and the effect in the Shape Effects section .

Picture 11 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Next, right-click on the image and choose Edit Text then enter the corresponding content (for example, you enter the number 1, corresponding to sentence 1).

Picture 12 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Select the text you enter and edit the font, type and size in the Font section of the Home tab .

Picture 13 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Next select the effect for the image by clicking on the image and select the Animations tab to select the effect in the yellow Emphasis ( Line Color or Fill Color .).

Picture 14 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Also in the Animations tab you select Animation Pane , appears Animation Pane section on the right, click the small triangle next to the image name and select Timing .

Picture 15 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Appears Fill Color dialog box , on the Timing tab you choose Trigger -> Start effect on click off -> select the image name -> OK. So you create the button for question 1.

Picture 16 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 4 : You just need to copy and paste more images corresponding to other questions (To copy, right-click select Copy , then select Patse ). How many questions, you copy the number of pictures equal to the number of questions and edit the content in the picture.

Picture 17 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 5: Select Insert -> Table -> select the number of cells corresponding to the answer of the 1st question (for example, the answer to question 1 is Game, then select 4 columns one row to create the table).

Picture 18 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Select all the cells and adjust the stroke color in Pen Color , the size of the bold border in the upper box. Next choose Borders -> All Borders to fill the cells. Adjust the background color in the Sharing section .

Picture 19 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Next in the Layout section, adjust the Height and Witdth dimensions for all cells, and adjust the position of the text in the Almentment section .

Picture 20 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Then you enter the letters in each cell in the answer and edit the text in the Font tab of the Home tab .

Picture 21 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 6 : Copy the answer boxes and enter the corresponding answers and arrange accordingly. If redundant cells, then you delete the excess cells, if missing, you add cells by selecting the corresponding command in the Layout tab similar to when you manipulate Table .

Picture 22 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 7 : Create a Table with the number of cells equal to the number of cells of the answer to question 1, select all the cells and align like you align in step 5.

Picture 23 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Next you select the effect when you click it, it will disappear by selecting the table and selecting Animations -> select the effect in the red ( Exit ).

Picture 24 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Select Animation Pane on the Animations tab , in the Animation Pane section on the right you select the black triangle icon on the table name -> Timing.

Picture 25 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

The effect name dialog box appears, select Triggers -> Start Effect on click of the correct table name and click OK to close the dialog box.

Picture 26 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Drag all the table cells and over the board containing the answer to question 1.

Picture 27 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 8: Copy the Table created in step 7 and overlap the following questions, if there are redundant cells, delete the cells. If it is missing, you add cells to the table. You will get the following:

Picture 28 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 9 : Create a new Slide, on this new Slide you insert a Textbox containing the # 1 question similar to the image below (the content of question 1 is just a demo, you replace the corresponding content).

Picture 29 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Similarly, you create new slides, each Slide contains 1 corresponding question.

Picture 30 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 10: Insert the action when clicking on image No. 1 will move to the slide containing question No. 1.

You select the picture 1 and select Insert -> Action.

Picture 31 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

The Action Setttings dialog box appears, select Hyperlink to -> select the triangle icon -> Slides.

Picture 32 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

On the dialog box Hyperlink to Slide, select the slide containing question 1 and click OK .

Picture 33 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Do the same with the next question shape, for example picture 2 you choose question 2.

Picture 34 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Step 11 : Mount the command back to the main interface.

Select Slide containing question number 1, you need to insert a return symbol by selecting Insert -> Shapes -> select the image you want.

Picture 35 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Draw the interface at the position you want, then edit the colors for the image, Edit Text if you want to insert text.

Picture 36 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Next, you attach commands to this symbol by selecting Insert -> Action.

Picture 37 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Action Settings appear you choose Hyperlink to -> select the small triangle icon -> Slides.

Picture 38 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

On the Hyperlink to Slide dialog box, select the first Slide (this slide is the main interface), click OK .

Picture 39 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

Then you copy this icon to the Slide containing questions 2, 3, . using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

Picture 40 of How to make crosswords on PowerPoint fast and beautiful

So you've created the game using simple and beautiful crosswords, you can download the PowerPoint crossword template file here.

The article only demo content, if you do it, you need to write more content in Slide questions. Hopefully through this article, you will be able to create many great games yourself in PowerPoint. Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


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