How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

Windows Terminal is an open source application that allows you to open multiple console tabs in the same window.

Each of these console tabs can be a different shell, such as Windows command prompt, PowerShell, Linux shells installed in WSL, or other user-installed custom shells.

Basically, Windows Terminal is not designed to replace existing consoles like Command Prompt or PowerShell, but rather to give users a new, accessible console option. with more features through support for various shells installed in Windows.

There are different ways for you to install Windows Terminal on your Windows 10 system, ranging from easy to slightly more complicated. It's important to know the different installation methods at the same time, allowing you to install the latest versions correctly, and enjoy more customization with additional themes and support for third-party software. Tuesday. In this article, will show you 3 ways to install Windows Terminal on Windows 10. Let's find out now.

Install Windows Terminal From Microsoft Store

Of course, the easiest way for you to install Windows Terminal on your Windows 10 computer is to download it from the Microsoft Store. The download link can be found HERE.

Picture 1 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

After the software is successfully installed, you can easily launch it right on the Microsoft Store by clicking the Launch button.

Picture 2 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

You can always access the Windows search box to open the Windows Terminal application and even select its default console window. However, we recommend that you launch Windows Terminal in 'Administrator' mode for the full experience.

Picture 3 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

Install Windows Terminal Through GitHub

If you want, you can also manually download and install different builds for Windows Terminal via GitHub.

You can visit the Windows Terminal page on GitHub and search for the latest version in the 'Assets' section as shown in the illustration below. Click the "msixbundle" link to continue.

Picture 4 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

The 'msixbundle' package is quickly downloaded and saved on your system.

Picture 5 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

When you click "Install" to install, you will get a preview of Windows Terminal. Then follow the simple instructions to continue the installation process.

Picture 6 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

It only takes a few minutes to install the package. You should now be able to launch and use Windows Terminal.

In addition, you can also check the box next to the 'Launch when ready' option if you want Windows Terminal to automatically launch as soon as the installation is complete.

Picture 7 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

Install Windows Terminal Using Chocolatey

Chocolatey is an extremely versatile and useful tool that allows you to install any software, including third-party ones, on Windows 10 with ease. Chocolatey can also be used to create Discord bots, launch Power Toys, and many other intensive tasks.

First, you open Windows PowerShell, copy the following command into the PowerShell window and press 'Enter:'

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Picture 8 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

As shown here, Chocolatey is already installed, so just upgrade. To install Windows Terminal using Chocolatey, you can use the following command.

choco install microsoft-windows-terminal 

Picture 9 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

Click 'Y' for any 'Yes to all' request.

Picture 10 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

Wait a moment for the installation to complete. After Windows Terminal is successfully installed, the screen will display the message as below.

Picture 11 of How to Install Windows Terminal on Windows 10

Above are 3 ways for you to install Windows Terminal on your Windows 10 system.

Update 16 June 2021


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