Note: In Excel 2010 this does not work. To show the hidden column, press: Ctrl + Z.
Alt + Shift + ▷ : Group rows or columns.
Alt + Shift + ◁ : Ungroup rows or columns.
2. Excel keyboard shortcuts to navigate in spreadsheets
Arrow keys ▽◁▷△ : Move up, down, left, or right in a worksheet.
Pg Dn/Pg Up : Move to the bottom of the spreadsheet/to the beginning of the spreadsheet.
Alt + Pg Dn/Alt + Pg Up : Move screen right/left in a worksheet.
Tab /Shift + Tab : Move one cell right/left in a worksheet.
Home : Move to the beginning of a row in a worksheet.
Ctrl + Home : Move to the first cell of a worksheet.
Ctrl + End : Move to the last cell containing content on a worksheet.
Ctrl + F : Display the Find and Replace dialog box (open the Search - Find section).
Ctrl + H : Display the Find and Replace dialog box (Open the Replace section).
Shift + F4 : Repeat the previous search.
Ctrl + G (or F5 ) : Displays the 'Go to' dialog box.
Ctrl + ◁/Ctrl + ▷ : Inside a cell: Move to the left or right cell of that cell.
Alt + ▽ : Displays the AutoComplete list.
3. Shortcuts for working with selected data
Select cells:
Shift + Space (Spacebar) : Select the entire row.
Ctrl + Space (Spacebar) : Select the entire column.
Ctrl + Shift + * (asterisk) : Select the entire area around the active cells.
Ctrl + A (or Ctrl + Shift + spacebar) : Select the entire spreadsheet (or areas containing data).
Ctrl + Shift + Pg Up : Select the current and previous sheet in the same Excel file.
Shift + ▽◁▷△ : Extend selection from a currently selected cell.
Ctrl + Shift + ▽/△ : Select/deselect all cells from the currently selected cell to the end of the column
Shift + Pg Dn/Shift + Pg Up : Extend the selected area to the bottom of the screen page / to the top of the screen page.
Shift + Home : Extend the selected area to the first cell of the row.
Ctrl + Shift + Home : Extend the selection to the first part of the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + End : Extend selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower right corner).
Management in selected areas:
F8 : Enable selection extension (by using additional arrow keys) without holding down the Shift key.
Shift + F8 : Adds a (adjacent or non-adjacent) range of cells to selection. Use the arrow keys and Shift+arrow keys to add to the selection.
Enter/Shift + Enter : Move the current cell selection down/up in the currently selected area.
Tab/Shift + Tab : Move the current cell selection right/left within the currently selected area.
Esc : Cancel the currently selected area.
Edit inside cell:
Shift + ◁/Shift + ▷ : Select or deselect one character left / right.
Ctrl + Shift + ◁/Ctrl + Shift + ▷ : Select or deselect a word to the left / right.
Shift + Home/Shift + End : Select from the text cursor to the beginning / to the end of the cell.
4. Excel shortcuts related to data format:
Cell format:
Ctrl + 1 : Display the Format dialog box.
Ctrl + B ( or Ctrl + 2) : Apply or cancel bold formatting.
Ctrl + I ( or Ctrl + 3) : Apply or cancel italic formatting.
Ctrl + U ( or Ctrl + 4 ): Apply or cancel an underline.
Ctrl + 5 : Apply or cancel strikethrough formatting.
Alt + ' (apostrophe): Displays the Style dialog box.
Number formats:
Ctrl + Shift + $ : Apply currency formatting with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + ~ : Apply General number formatting.
Ctrl + Shift + # : Apply date formatting in style: day, month and year.
Ctrl + Shift + @ : Apply time format with hours, minutes and indicate AM or PM.
Ctrl + Shift + ^ : Apply scientific number format with two decimal places.
F4 : Repeat the last format selection.
Align cell:
Alt + H, A, R : Align cell to the right.
Alt + H , A, C : Center the cell.
Alt + H , A, I : Align cell to the left.
Formula shortcuts:
= : Starts a formula.
Shift + F3: Display the Insert Function dialog box.
Ctrl + A : Displays the input method after entering the name of the formula.
Ctrl + Shift + A : Insert arguments in the formula after entering the name of the formula.
Shift + F3 : Insert a function into a formula.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter : Enter the formula as an array formula.
F9 : Calculate all tables in all spreadsheets.
Shift + F9 : Calculate active worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + U : Switch to expand or collapse the formula bar.
Ctrl + ' : Toggle Show formulas in cells instead of values.
Ctrl + Pg Dn (PageDown): Shortcut key to switch Sheet to the sheet immediately to the right of the open sheet
Ctrl + Pg Up (PageUp) : Switch to the sheet to the left of the open sheet.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 3
Ctrl + arrow key : move to the top, bottom, left edge, right edge of the spreadsheet. This shortcut will help us not have to use the mouse to drag the slider to reach the bottom cell of the table, especially with long spreadsheets. When you use the Ctrl key with any arrow key in the direction you want to move, you will quickly get to the location you are looking for.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 4
Ctrl + arrow key + Shift : select the data area to the end of the table instead of just moving the selection box to the bottom of the table.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 5
Double-click the left mouse button in the cell : copy the formula to the bottom of the table. The usual operation to copy down the rows below, when the + sign appears, is to hold and drag the mouse until the end of the table. However, faster, you place your mouse on the plus sign, double-click the left mouse button and the formula will be copied below.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 6
Ctrl + Shift + 1 (!) : format cell as a decimal number with 2 numbers after the comma.
Ctrl + Shift + 4 ($) : format currency cell $.
Ctrl + Shift + 5 (%) : format cell as number %.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 7
F4 : turns a cell into an absolute value. When copying a formula from different cell locations such as B1, C2,. it will automatically change when copied to the line below to become B2, C3. To prevent the formula from jumping numbers as above, use the $ key before and after the cell character to lock it. And to quickly lock a cell you can use F4.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 8
& : combines the contents of two cells. Jump to the 3rd column and type the formula =cell 1&" "&cell 2, in which the " " part is to create a space between the contents of the 2 cells after merging. Then copy the formula to the bottom of the table and a column will appear with the combined content from columns 1 and 2.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 9
Alt +=: quickly sum a column. Highlight the area to be calculated and add an empty cell below then press Alt+=, the last cell value is the sum of the cells in the selection.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 10
Ctrl + Shift +; (semicolon) : quickly fill in the current time in the cell in the spreadsheet.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 11
Ctrl + ; (semicolon) : enter the current date in the cell.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 12
Ctrl + ~ (next to number 1) : view all cells in formula form.
Expensive Excel shortcuts you should know Picture 13
5. Shortcuts related to tables and filters
⌃ + T : Insert table
Ctrl + Shift + L : Switch filters automatically
Alt + ↓ : Activate filter
Shift + Space : Select rows in the table
Ctrl + Space : Select a column in the table
Ctrl + A : Select table
Ctrl + Shift + T : Convert the total row of the table
6. Shortcuts related to data entry
Enter : Enter and move down
Shift + Enter : Enter and move up
Tab : Enter and move right
Shift + Tab : Enter and move left
Ctrl + Enter : Completes the entry and stays in the same cell
Ctrl + Enter : Enter the same data into multiple cells
Ctrl + ; : Insert current date
Ctrl + Shift + ; : Insert current time
Ctrl + D : Fill down from the cell above
Ctrl + R : Fill right from the cell on the left
Ctrl + ' : Copy formula from cell above
Ctrl + Shift + " : Copy value from the cell above
Ctrl + K : Add hyperlink
Alt + ↓ : Displays the autofill list
7. Shortcuts related to number format
Ctrl + Shift + ~ : Apply general formatting
Ctrl + Shift + $ : Apply currency formatting
Ctrl + Shift + % : Apply percentage formatting
Ctrl + Shift + ^ : Apply scientific formatting
Ctrl + Shift + # : Apply date format
Ctrl + Shift + @ : Apply time format
Ctrl + Shift + ! : Apply number formatting
Excel supports many keyboard shortcuts to help you work efficiently and increase productivity. Instead of accessing the toolbar with the mouse, you can use two or three keystrokes to perform important functions. Wouldn't it be easier and more time-saving? Using Excel keyboard shortcuts significantly increases speed and thus reduces work time.
Now the question is, do you have to memorize these keyboard shortcuts, the answer is no. However, it will be an advantage if you can remember a few of them. With regular practice, you will be able to remember most of the common shortcuts in Excel.
So we have summarized useful keyboard shortcuts when you work with Excel spreadsheets. With these shortcuts, your operations will be much easier, saving time processing data tables and quickly completing large amounts of spreadsheets in Excel. Remember to save this article to use whenever needed.