Notable changes in Windows Terminal ver 0.11

Windows Terminal is a command-line interface application released by Microsoft in late May 2019

Windows Terminal is a command-line interface application released by Microsoft in late May 2019, aimed at simplifying the process of accessing environments such as PowerShell, cmd.exe and Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL). Basically, Windows Terminal is not designed to replace existing control panels such as Command Prompt or PowerShell, but rather to provide users with a new, accessible type control panel option. with more features through support for other shells installed in Windows.

Notable changes in Windows Terminal ver 0.11 Picture 1Notable changes in Windows Terminal ver 0.11 Picture 1 Windows Terminal

With the newly released version 0.11, Windows Terminal has been added quite a lot of useful new features and improvements, specifically as follows:

For changes to Settings, Windows Terminal will now rename the configuration file ' profiles.json ' to ' settings.json ' during the installation process. Cascadia Code has become the default font for all profiles, and the application now has Tango Dark and Tango Light color schemes.

The Copy and Paste commands are associated with the Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V keys in the new settings.json file. However, you can still use Ctrl + Shift + C and Ctrl + Shift + V .

Starting with this release, Windows Terminal will change the default copy behavior, changing it to plain text copy. There is a newly added installation option called CopyFormatted currently set to false , but you can also change it to true for convenient copying of HTML and RTF formats.

Besides the changes as well as additions, version 0.11 also removed a series of installation options such as Globals namespace after not being commonly used in previous versions.

In addition, there are a number of other installation options that have been renamed or replaced. For example requestedTheme has been renamed to the theme . The copyTextWithoutNewlines command and the trimWhitespace argument for the copy have been deleted and replaced by the singleLine argument .

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