How to cancel sharing Google Drive link

When you share files with Google Drive link, anyone who has the link will see the content. So what if I want to cancel the link?

Sharing files via links is no stranger to users, as this is much faster than sending via Gmail or other emailing services. Cloud storage services all have the option of creating file sharing links, such as Google Drive.

And by default anyone who receives the link will be able to view the content while sharing via Google Drive. This is due to the Google Drive setting mode anyone who has the link will see the content, when you download the archive file. So if we want to cancel the link to share Google Drive, do not want others to see the content even if there is a link, how? In addition to using other tools to limit the time to share Google Drive links, users can change the right to view files right on the service.

  1. Keep the sharing link intact when renaming the Google Drive file
  2. How to download PDF files on Google Drive is blocked download
  3. How to download files on Google Drive when the download limit is exceeded

Instructions for canceling Google Drive sharing link

When you right click on the link and choose Share to display the link to share the file. The default mode here is Anyone who has the link can view.

Picture 1 of How to cancel sharing Google Drive link

Step 1:

In the file you want to cancel sharing the content, right-click and select Share. Display the new interface, click the arrow icon to change the sharing permissions.

Picture 2 of How to cancel sharing Google Drive link

Step 2:

In the list of access rights click Off - only certain people have access , then click the Done button below to save the changes to the shared link.

Picture 3 of How to cancel sharing Google Drive link

In addition, when you click Advanced, you will have the option to block downloading files on Google Drive.

Picture 4 of How to cancel sharing Google Drive link

When you press Done, Google Drive will display the Update sharing link link .

Picture 5 of How to cancel sharing Google Drive link

Step 3:

Now when you resend the shared Google Drive link, the viewer will receive a notification that requires access from you to view the content.

Picture 6 of How to cancel sharing Google Drive link

Actually canceling this link to share Google Drive is just to change the public mode of the link to private. Only then will you be able to view the content, unless others are granted access from the link owner only.

See more:

  1. How to hide data on Google Drive
  2. How to create music list in Google Drive
  3. Trick to search on Google Drive

I wish you all success!

Update 25 May 2019


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