Which is the most hated thing on iPhone X, why are more and more Android phones imitating this design feature of Apple?

Do you know which programming language is hated? Let's TipsMake.com refer to the statistics of the most hated programming languages in the article below!

Let's take a closer look at these parameters to see what they mean.

Android can confuse many people because there are many versions and many of them are still running today.

How long to use Facebook, have you ever wondered why I see things that others don't see on News Feed?

When the phone (smartphone) is too small and the tablet (tablet) is too big, phablet is the 'pretty' thing we need.

It is not recognized that Satoshi Nakamoto will be recognized.

Bloomberg reports, from next year, Apple will plan to unify iPhone, iPad and macOS applications. That is, with just one version, you can use it on any Apple device, platform,

To choose who is the GPU king depends on the purpose of use.

By 2027, blockchain will be the technology that every business uses. This is why.

From here, we will not be able to boot DOS and all other obsolete things.

4K TVs carry over 8 million pixels. You think that is a lot, but some technologies need more than that.

A very familiar operation on the browser address bar is almost forgotten when we flood in the era of social networking.

If 2016 is the year for the back-to-back failures, 2017 is the year that Microsoft is fully focused.

In 2017, the online world has experienced a lot more ups and downs than positive. Google as a big company in that world, needs to do better its work to help solve this problem.

It's hard to judge this year's Apple without mentioning unhappy things.

This type of battery was popular in the early 1990s. But there are other important features that we must prioritize instead of disassemble batteries.

Facebook has experienced 2017 in an unprecedented way, but in a less positive direction when its reputation is smeared.

There are many things that happened in 2017, it's hard to know where to start when looking at the tech giant's 2017s. Therefore, for e-commerce companies like Amazon, it is best

Let's start with a good news, no Samsung phone exploded this year.