Do you think Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon or Google are leaders, pioneering face recognition technology by artificial intelligence? Think again!
It can be said, 2018 is not a really successful year with Windows 10, this operating system does not record many points in the eyes of users because of all kinds of problems and
We are imprisoned in a false, illusory, unbiased space, even deceitful. All for the purpose of stroking the fragile and vulnerable self and the desire to be with those who share
VAR is the abbreviation for Video Arbitration Support Technology (Video Assistant Referee). This technology is used to help football referees can make the best decisions possible
Microsoft's promise to Windows 10 is always a version of the operating system running on every device.
The future they put in is cloud and artificial intelligence.
When talking about blockchain there is still much controversy. Some people worry that Bitcoin may be just a bubble, many people believe that technology behind it is a
So it is understandable that Apple abandons Intel chips behind.
That is the judgment of leading Apple analyst.
Windows on the phone obviously failed. But where is the real cause? This is an explanation of some employees who have been working at Microsoft.
Computers that always connect to Always-Connected PC from Microsoft and Qualcomm make people talk a lot about eSIM. But what does eSIM really mean to Microsoft?
We still hear that 5G is coming but why should we care about this new generation of wireless networking technology?
Does Microsoft really like Linux?
When these technologies replicate, anyone can benefit from it.
Too many errors and too few patches.
Let's look at the most significant changes on major Windows versions that have been released over the years, and how they are still useful today.
Looking at the performance of Surface Hub 2, imagine how the future of multi-screen devices allows folding and pocketing easily?
Although they learned how to filter out dangerous strings from user input, some still make mistakes.
That is the judgment of CEO Ubisoft. Switching to running games on remote servers will be a big change for the gaming industry.
Many people despite using Macbook but do not know that Apple also has for themselves a suite of office applications for iOS and macOS is also quite effective is iWork.