In this article we will take a look at the 10 weirdest cars Batman has ever driven.
If research using dogs to detect people with Covid-19 is successful, it will open up the opportunity to screen and detect suspected people much faster than using clinical test kit
Before the dinosaurs appeared, the Earth also existed many species of animals known as the notorious assassins, many of which are from the ocean and Dunkleosteus is one of them.
The technology is still in its early stages of testing, but the researchers have created a prototype of the device that will help us better understand how the technology works.
In addition to the many implications of the COVID-19 epidemic on businesses, there is a new emerging trend: the way COVID-19 has completely changed the traditional working culture.
Atlantis was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato over 2,300 years ago. According to Plato, the unthinkable island nation existed some 9,000 years before his
Recent studies show that the snow-white plateau in the Himalayas is gradually being turned green by the growth of vegetation, which looks like a good signal, but is this really
It is likely that they will have to extend the study trip for another 6 weeks to be allowed to return.
The N95 respirator, one of the most important medical protective devices available today, has undergone a complete development and development history spanning more than a century.
Filmmakers also face a lot of difficulties, and they have their own tricks to overcome them.
The most effective 'tool' to save a patient's life from the 'enemy' Covid-19 at the present time.
Here are five of the most terrible pandemics in human history and how they ended with the introduction of disease prevention measures.
The consulting chatbot was first launched by VCCorp with the message: 'Lifetime free, store up to 10,000 subscribers, the feature is equivalent to a paid package worth 3 million /
Wombat, also known as the topless koalas, is a family of mammals in the set of Two front teeth. This family was described by Burnett in 1829. Barefoot koalas are short, muscular
At the moment, this is considered the safest place in the world because there is no contact outside and far from every residential area.
At present, we do not yet have a vaccine that is safe and effective, and we do not know what is a good treatment for Covid-19. Without both of these things, the best option for us
To clarify whether or not Covid-19 patients were 're-infected with the virus' after discharge from hospital, doctors in Wuhan conducted a number of studies.
It is expected that this super-speed train will be officially put into operation on the Tokyo - Nagoya route in 2027.
The series of comparative pictures taken by SkyStat satellite of Planet Labs Inc will give us the incredible difference of the world when social isolation measures are applied.
The power of computing takes medicine to the next level.