ZSX is an air conditioner with many outstanding advantages of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Corporation (MHI) - Heavy industry group from Japan.

Perhaps we are not the only intelligent creatures in the universe, but it seems the chances of finding aliens are very vague.

The one thing many people always wonder is that we only found fossils of dinosaurs, but paleontologists have always been able to calculate their weight, so how did they do that? ?

The excavation of this work shows that, instead of just following the trail of animals to hunt and gather, the people in the Pleistocene period were able to build architectural

The number of cases in this country is growing exponentially, and rapid precautions are needed!

50000 years ago, the Australian continent still had many different beasts, but they disappeared in a short period of time, leaving a mystery for humankind.

The device, invented by the French couple Pavel and Ian, has been successfully funded on Kickstarter since 2016 and is currently marketed for about $ 15.

In particular, due to the complicated development of the Covid-19 epidemic, the demand for electricity from coal power plants is showing signs of decline, while the cost to keep

After CT scans of the stone, the scientists discovered a complete bird skull wrapped inside the rock and dated to 66.7 million years. At the same time as the infamous meteorite

It is also possible to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the Covid-19 pandemic is making the atmosphere in many areas less polluted, due to reduced vehicle traffic and less

We have tamed many animals to be pets or war mounts, tigers and lions are terrifyingly powerful animals that can kill lives in a slap, so why Should we not tame them as mounts?

The latest research shows that cats often show facial emotions, but it's hard for us to recognize this.

Astronomers have discovered the most extreme planet in the universe with scorching heat, creating iron rains in the atmosphere.

Do not watch the scene of lifting the trophy early, had to use mathematical models to calculate sadness.

Arsenic is known today as a health hazard, but in the past it has been considered a tonic.

Plastic is ubiquitous in the oceans, including the deepest areas. They still exist and hide under the water, like a real life horror story.

Because of not keeping clean, Russia's Mir space station became damaged after only 12 years. What did the astronaut on the International Space Station do to make it still work

Thanks to breakthroughs in computer technology in recent years, it is easy for us to breathe a little during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is the first time in NASA history that employees have to take a vacation.

Another success is due to luck.