• Linked list data structure (Linked List)

    Linked list data structure (Linked List)
    A Linked List is a sequence of data structures that are connected through links (links). Simply put, the Linked List is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes (nodes)
  • Data structure of double linked list

    Data structure of double linked list
    The Doubly Linked List is a variant of the Linked List, in which browsing through the buttons can be done in two ways: easy forward and backward. when compared with Single Link
  • Data Link List structure (Circular Linked List)

    Data Link List structure (Circular Linked List)
    The linked list (Circular Linked List) is a variant of the Linked List, in which the first element points to the last element and the last element points to the first element.
  • Stack data structure (Stack)

    Stack data structure (Stack)
    A stack is an abstract data structure (Abstract Data Type - ADT for short), mostly used in almost every programming language. Name the stack because it acts as a stack in real
  • Queue data structure (Queue)

    Queue data structure (Queue)
    Queue (Queue) is an abstract data structure, is something similar to queues in everyday life (queuing).
  • Linear search algorithm (Linear Search)

    Linear search algorithm (Linear Search)
    Linear Search is a very basic search algorithm. In this type of search, a continuous search operation takes place through every element. Each element is checked and if any
  • Binary Search algorithm (Binary Search)

    Binary Search algorithm (Binary Search)
    Binany Search is a fast search algorithm with runtime complexity of Ο (log n). The algorithm of binary search works based on the principle of division and rule (Divide and
  • Interpolation Search algorithm (Interpolation Search)

    Interpolation Search algorithm (Interpolation Search)
    Interpolation Search (Interpolation Search) is an improved variant of Binary Search (Binary Search). In order for this search algorithm to work correctly, the data set must be