What is CentOS? Learn about the CentOS operating system

Used quite a lot in web hosting servers, but for most computer users, CentOS is still a relatively vague concept. So what is CentOS? Use for what purpose? If you are in need of learning about CentOS, please refer to the following article!

Used quite a lot in web hosting servers, but for most computer users, CentOS is still a relatively vague concept. So what is CentOS? Use for what purpose? If you are in need of learning about CentOS, please refer to the following article!

What is CentOS?

Picture 1 of What is CentOS? Learn about the CentOS operating system

CentOS (which stands for C ommunity  ent erprise  O perating  S ystem ) is a distributed operating system is 100% free based on the Linux kernel. It is completely derived from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution. Starting with CentOS 5, each version is supported for 10 years. New CentOS versions are released every 2 years and each CentOS version is updated regularly (about every 6 months) to support newer hardware. That leads to a safe, low-maintenance, reliable, predictable and reproducible environment.

What is CentOS used for?

Picture 2 of What is CentOS? Learn about the CentOS operating system

CentOS is a business platform, like its "predecessor," RHEL, and best suited for businesses and large organizations. In principle, this Linux distribution can also be used in the private sector, but developers do not focus on this aspect. CentOS has become a fairly common operating system for web servers.

As a distribution for business purposes, CentOS has many strengths that users expect from an operating system:

- Free and open source: For users, that means they can download and use it for free without any restrictions. For developers, they can access the operating system's code at any time.

- Stability and security: This is a great strength of CentOS with great stability and security.

- Speed: Because it only focuses on running basic software variants, this operating system has a very high speed even when compared to other Linux systems.

- Long maintenance and support cycles.

Some other information about CentOS

Known for its stability, consistency, easy-to-use management and simple scaling, this open source operating system was created as a by-product of RHEL.

Not only the operating system, CentOS Project - the unit that manages the development of the platform - also plays an organizational role by providing resources so that other teams can easily develop system-based tools. CentOS.

CentOS, first published in March 2004, has been developed by the community, based on source code released free of charge by Red Hat. A part of its foundation maintains compatibility with RHEL.

The community is comprised of a core development team and users, from regular Linux fans to the company's system administrators.

The basic idea behind the CentOS Project is to provide people with a powerful system for use by and open source groups. This framework can be used by hosting companies, for example to process scientific data. Organizations can put their programs on a reliable platform.

The CentOS board consists of original project members and Red Hat employees, all of whom help develop the ecosystem.

Picture 3 of What is CentOS? Learn about the CentOS operating system

By now you have understood the basic CentOS is, used for what purpose and the advantages of this operating system is not it? Hopefully the information just shared above will help you!

Update 19 May 2020


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