Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

Are you looking for how to remove Folder lock on Windows 10+11? TipsMake has detailed instructions on how to do this in the article

Are you looking for how to remove Folder lock on Windows 10+11? TipsMake has detailed instructions on how to do it in the article, quickly apply it to unlock the folder you need!

Normally, folders on Windows are public and you can open them anytime you need. But there are also folders where you or someone else when using the computer sets a password to avoid stray 'clicks'. After setting the password, there are cases where users need to remove the Folder lock on Windows 10+11 for convenient access. So how to do it? The answer has been shared by TipsMake in the next section.

Picture 1 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

Instructions on how to remove Folder lock on Windows 10+11 are extremely simple

There are many reasons for you to unlock Folders on Windows 10/11. Maybe because you want to add files to the Windows 10/11 lock image file or you want to edit and unlock that locked folder. Note, there are many different ways to set a lock for a Folder, so the ways to unlock it are completely different. Depending on how you set the folder lock you did before, please apply the appropriate method.

For convenience, the admin will guide you on how to lock and unlock Folders on Windows 11. This way, you will easily find the tricks for yourself! With Windows 10, you apply similarly but the steps may vary.

1/ Encrypt or unencrypt folders from Folder Properties

This way to lock a folder is quite quick and easy, so many people apply it. However, this method is only for devices with multiple User accounts. Because if anyone has the password for the account you are using, they can open the folder. But if you use another account, you won't be able to view it!

How to lock Files and Folders on Windows 11

  1. Step 1: Users find the location of the File or Folder you need to create a password for > Right-click on this File/Folder and select Show more Options > Properties (Windows 10, you just need to click Properties after right-clicking) .
  2. B2; When the new window appears, click the General tab > select Advanced in the Attributes area.

Picture 2 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. Step 3: Select the option in the line 'Encrypt content to secure data' > Click OK to save and complete this process.

Picture 4 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

Note: If you see the Encrypt content to secure data button is gray and cannot be ticked. You just need to press Windows + R > Enter services.msc > OK > Double click on the 'Encrypting File System (EFS)' line > click the General tab > At the Startup type line, click the drop-down arrow and select Automatic > Apply > Click OK to save.

Instructions for unlocking a folder from Folder Properties

  1. Method 1: Find the Folder or File with the Win 11/Win 10 lock image on the Desktop > Right-click on that File/Folder, select File ownership > Select Personal and you're done.

Picture 6 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. Method 2: Open Windows + E > Find the location to save the locked file/folder > Right-click and select Show more Options > Properties > General > select Advanced > Uncheck 'Encrypt content to secure data' > Click OK To save is to complete this process.

2/ How to set a password for a folder on Windows 11 by compressing files


  1. Step 1: You also find the save location of the folder you need to lock > Right-click on that folder > Select Add to archive…
  2. Step 2: Select Set password. > Set password and confirm password again > Click OK to complete the process.

Picture 8 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

How to unlock with Password from Zip file

  1. B1: Double-click the locked Zip file > You can view the contents of the folder/file the same way you did with the system's built-in tool.
  2. B2: In case the user is trying to open a specific file or move to another folder for example, you will be asked to enter the password. Now you just need to enter the password to unlock it.

Picture 10 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

3/ Lock and unlock Folders with code

How to lock a folder with this code will be a little more complicated. But this way is quite simple to unlock even if you forget your password.

How to set lock using script

  1. Access the folder you need to set a password for > Right-click and select New > Click to select Text Document.

Picture 12 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. Continue copying and pasting the code below into the new window that appears


title Folder Private

if EXIST 'HTG Locker' goto UNLOCK

if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER


echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)

set/p 'for=>'

if %for%==Y goto LOCK

if %cho%==y goto LOCK

if %for%==n goto END

if %for%==N goto END

echo Invalid choice.



Private lace 'HTG Locker'

attrib +h +s 'HTG Locker'

echo Folder locked

goto End


echo Enter password to unlock folder

set/p 'pass=>'


attrib -h -s 'HTG Locker'

lace 'HTG Locker' Private

echo Folder Unlocked successfully

goto End


echo Invalid password

goto end



echo Private created successfully

goto End


  1. In this code, replace PASSWORD_GOES_HERE with the password you want to set. For example, here I set 123.

Picture 14 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. After setting, click the File tab > Select Save As to save.

Picture 16 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. In the new window, name this file locker.bat > In the Save as type line, select All Files > Click Save to save.

Picture 18 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. Once done, you just need to delete the text file > Then, click to open the locker file saved above > There will be a new folder named Private > This folder will help store the file you want. Security > Copy data via Private section.

Picture 20 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. Continue clicking on the locker file > Now a black window will appear > Press Y > Press Enter > the Private folder will be 'missing'.

Picture 22 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

  1. When you want to view the Private folder, click open the locker file > enter the password > press Enter.

How to unlock when you forget your folder password

You just need to right-click on the locker file, select Edit > A text dialog box will appear > Find the password (eg 123 above) > Delete the password and reset the new password > Click File > Save As > Name the file locker.bat > Select All Files in the Save as type line > Click Save to save > Use this new password to access and you're done.

Picture 24 of Unlocking Folders on Windows 10+11 is super fast and super easy

Above are the details on how to remove Folder lock on Windows 10+11 that TipsMake wants to share. Wishing you successful unlocking!

Update 26 December 2023


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