Unintentional danger when playing Q&A games on Facebook

Recently, Facebook filed a lawsuit against two Ukrainian programmers Andrey Gorbachov and Gleb Sluchevsky, for violating its privacy policies and privacy laws.

Recently, Facebook filed a lawsuit against two Ukrainian programmers Andrey Gorbachov and Gleb Sluchevsky, for violating its privacy policies and privacy laws. Specifically, these two people took advantage of Facebook's quizzing feature to hijack users' personal information in order to operate 'illegal' ads.

This group has created fake Web sites with content such as games, surveys such as: "What color do you say?", "What is your zodiac sign?" or "Measure your handsome / girl index?".

Picture 1 of Unintentional danger when playing Q&A games on Facebook

Through survey sites, hackers can take personal information of users.Photo: CNN.

When participating, users are forced to allow the system to connect to a personal account. After that, a "malicious extension" for the browser will be automatically downloaded to help hackers gain access to the account, friends list of Facebook users. Without careful inspection, users will not know the existence of this malicious utility.

Currently, the attack target of this hacker group is just the number of Russian-speaking users. However, Facebook also gives warnings to all users, so stay away from sites with names like "Supertest", "FQuiz", "Megatest", "Pechenka".

According to DailyBeast, more than 60,000 Facebook user accounts are affected by the hacker group's games, causing losses of up to $ 75,000.

This powerful move of the world's largest social network is considered as one of Facebook's efforts to regain and strengthen users' trust.

Update 24 May 2019


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