the next version of firefox will handle web 2.0 programming applications using javascript, such as gmail, which is twice as fast as it is today.

this month, the it community stirred up when google suddenly tested the cr-48 laptop model with the pre-installed chrome os.

along with the development of society, science and technology have also developed dramatically. evidence is that a series of high-tech devices such as computers, laptops, ipads,

ubuntu 12.10 (codename quantal quetzal) will be released on october 18, with the addition of many new features compared to its predecessor. here are the features that definitely

in addition to the features developed in the lab, you can also use some other third-party utilities to improve your performance. some people after using these utilities were very

microsoft web apps allow you to view, edit and share ms office documents through the web environment

google has been growing rapidly and its user community has started to create more gadgets to bring a better experience to this social network. please see 8 utilities, the