• How to Create a Matrix, Vector, and Cell Array in MATLAB

    How to Create a Matrix, Vector, and Cell Array in MATLAB
    this article covers how to create matrices, vectors, and cell arrays with the programming software matlab. since matlab is a program offering endless possibilities, being able to
  • How to Convert JPG to Vector

    How to Convert JPG to Vector
    vector graphics are the ideal format for use in logos, images, or simple illustrations because they have clear lines and contours. because they are created using equations instead
  • How to Convert Raster to Vector

    How to Convert Raster to Vector
    vector graphics are images created from lines and directions. they differ from raster graphics in that they can easily scale to any size without pixelation, as the lines are
  • How to Vectorize an Image

    How to Vectorize an Image
    vector and raster graphics are two different kinds of images, although they are not often distinguishable by the naked eye. vector images are geometrical, computer graphics based