• How to Calculate Network and Broadcast Address

    How to Calculate Network and Broadcast Address
    if you are going to set up a network, then you have to know how to distribute the devices on that network. knowing how to calculate network and broadcast addresses if you have the
  • How to Find Your Subnet Mask

    How to Find Your Subnet Mask
    networks are broken up into subnetworks to allow for faster data transfer, and easier management. routers accomplish this by assigning subnet masks, a number that indicates where
  • IP, Subnet mask, installation and configuration for 1 server

    IP, Subnet mask, installation and configuration for 1 server
    ip address is a unique number assigned to a device in a network - these devices can be a computer, a router, a network printer (network printer with a network card), etc. etc. this
  • Set up the LAN by dividing the subnet

    Set up the LAN by dividing the subnet
    split subnet is one of the useful solutions to build local network, both secure and broadcast, and save resources in allocating ip address for each workstation.
  • Free online subnet exercises

    Free online subnet exercises
    subnet or subnetting is an indispensable part for network administrators, learners and it practitioners in small and medium organizations. it can be said that subnetting is not
  • 10 concepts Windows administrators need to know

    10 concepts Windows administrators need to know
    concepts allow us to systematize our understanding of the world. in the area of ​​network administration, here are 10 important concepts that administrators need to know.