Search results: potassium linux

kali linux can be used to perform many pentest tests on computers in combination with other related techniques. the following are the penetration testing platforms and methods for

resisting a hacker attack is one of the most important responsibilities a system administrator must perform. therefore, it is important for a system administrator to take

to run 'live' potassium from a usb drive on a standard windows and apple computer, you'll need a bootable linux kali iso image, in 32-bit or 64-bit format.

kali linux is a debian-based linux distribution aimed at penetration testing and advanced security testing.

since the release of kali linux 1.0.8, kali linux supports adding efi. this additional feature simplifies the process of installing and running potassium on various apple macbook

since the release of kali linux 1.0.8, kali linux supports efi. this additional feature simplifies the process of installing and running potassium on various apple macbook air,

kali mini iso or kali linux's shortened version is a convenient way to install a minimal potassium system and install it 'from scratch'.

kali linux 'live' provides users with 'forensic mode', a feature introduced for the first time in backtrack linux.

if you run kali linux as a 'guest' in virtualbox, this article will help you successfully install the 'virtualbox guest additions' tool on kali linux.

in this article, will guide you how to install the main vmware tools for kali linux on vmware workstation virtual machine.