osx: ~ mbp $ cd refind-bin - * /
osx: 0.8.3 refind-bin mbp $ sudo bash install.sh
CẢNH BÁO: Impro thực sử dụng câu lệnh sudo có thể được chuyển đến dữ liệu loss
hoặc gỡ bỏ tập tin hệ thống trọng. Please double-check your
gõ khi dùng sudo. Loại "man sudo" để biết thêm thông tin.
Hãy tiếp tục, nhập mật khẩu của bạn, hoặc kiểu Ctrl-C to abort.
Installing rEFInd on OS X .
Đang cài đặt rEFInd để đặt phân vùng trong //
Copied rEFInd binary tập tin
Sao bản tập tin cấu hình khi refind.conf; edit tập tin này để configure
CẢNH BÁO: If bạn có Advanced Format đĩa, * DO NOT * thử kiểm tra các
trạng thái thông báo với thông báo --info ', vì này được biết để gây ra bị hỏng
on some systems !!
Cài đặt đã được thực hiện successfully.
osx: refind-bin-0.8.3 mbp $
1. Before installing Kali Linux, there should be space on the hard drive. By booting into the live Kali version, users can change the partition size as desired. To do this, turn on the device and immediately press and hold the Option key until you see the rEFInd boot menu.
2. When the boot menu appears, insert the installation media you selected. If everything works as expected, you will see two volumes:
Although Kali Linux is based on Debian, Apple / rEFInd will still detect it as Windows. Select the Windows volume to continue.
3. You will be greeted with Kali boot screen. Select Live and you will boot into Kali Linux's default desktop.
4. We can use GParted to minimize the existing OSX partition ( HFS + ) and install Potassium in an empty partition. You can find GParted in the Kali menu by navigating to: Applications -> System Tools -> GParted Partition Editor.
5. When GParted is open, select your OSX partition. Depending on your system, it will usually be the second partition with larger capacity. In the example below, there are three partitions: the EFI upgrade partition ( / dev / sda1 ), OSX ( / dev / sda2 ) and System Recovery ( / dev / sda3 ). Resize your OSX partition and leave enough space (at least 20 GB) for Kali installation.
1. To start installing Kali Linux, repeat steps 1 and 2 above to boot into Kali Linux's boot screen. When you can see the boot screen, select 'Live', 'Graphical Install' or '(Text-Mode) Install' to start the setup. In this tutorial, we have selected 'Graphical Install'.
2. Select your preferred language and then select your country location. You will also be prompted to configure your keyboard using the appropriate keyboard diagram.
3. The installer will copy the image to your hard disk, probe the network interface, and then prompt you to enter the server name and domain name for the system. In the example below, we entered ' potassium ' as the server name.
4. Enter a strong password for the root account.
5. Next, set the time zone.
6. The installer will now explore the drive and provide five options. In the following example, we are using a backup partition that we have performed in live mode, so we chose ' Guided - use the largest continuous free space '.
Experienced users can use the 'Manual' option for more detailed configuration options. This option will also allow you to set up encrypted LVM, so Kali Linux will be completely encrypted. The screen will then prompt you to enter a password. You will have to enter the same password every time you start Kali Linux.
Kali will automatically wipe the hard drive before requesting a password. This may take some time (about a few hours) depending on the size and speed of the hard drive. If you want to risk it, you can ignore it.
7. The next stage is to select the partition structure you want to use. We will continue and use the default option (put everything on a partition). It will then show the overview. If you agree with what the machine suggests, click the Continue button.
8. Next, you will have the last chance to review the drive configuration before the installer makes irreversible changes. After you click Continue , the installer will work and the installation will be almost complete.
9. This screen configures Internet network mirror usage. Kali can use online central repository to distribute applications that store updated packages and allow additional programs to be installed more easily. If you need to enter any appropriate proxy information, the next screen will allow you to enter the required details.
If you select ' No ' in this screen, you will NOT be able to install packages from the Kali repository until you change your sources.
10. Next, install the GRUB boot loader.
11. Finally, click ' Continue ' to finish installing Kali Linux. You should restart the computer at this stage.
Once completed, repeat the first 2 steps again to boot into 'Live mode' again.
12. If the gdisk package is not included in ISO Kali Linux, you will first need to install it.
If you have enabled network storage during setup, this can easily be done:
apt-get update
apt-get install gdisk
13. Now we will convert the Master Boot Record (MBR) into a hybrid, allowing Apple's EFI to detect and boot with GRUB.
Once completed, power off the device and delete all installation media when prompted.
root @ potassium: ~ # gdisk / dev / sda
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.5
Partition table scan:
Protective MBR: protective
BSD: not present
APM: not present
GPT: present
Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
Command (? For help): p
Disk / dev / sda: 976773168 sectors, 465.8 GiB
Logs sector size: 512 byte
Disk identifier (GUID): 1B3DB3D4-ECFD-47A1-9435-F2FF318C2F55
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
Sector first usable is 34, thành viên cuối cùng là 976773134
Phầnitions sẽ được sắp xếp trên 8-rãnh ghi rãnh ghi
Total free space is 245 sectors (122.5 KiB)
Số Đầu (rãnh ghi) End (rãnh ghi) Size Code Tên
1 40 409639 200.0 MiB EF00 EFI System Partition
2 409640 548413439 261.3 GiB AF00 Macintosh
3 975503592 976773127 619.9 MiB AB00 Recovery HD
4 548413440 548415487 1024.0 KiB EF02
5 548415488 958138367 195.4 GiB 0700
6 958138368 975503359 8.3 GiB 8200
Command (? For help): r
Recovery / transformation command (? For help): h
WARNING! Hybrid MBRs are flaky and dangerous! Nếu bạn quyết định không dùng một,
just hit the Enter key vào dưới đây khi prompt và bảng phân vùng của bạn MB
be untouched.
Loại từ một để 3 số phân vùng GPT, đã phân tách bởi gian, cần phải
added to the hybrid MBR, in sequence: 5
Place EFI GPT (0xEE) first in MBR partition (good for GRUB)? (Y / N): y
Tạo mục nhập cho GPT phân vùng # 5 (MBR partition # 2)
Enter an MBR hex code (default 07): 83
Set the bootable flag? (Y / N): y
Unused partition space (s) tìm thấy. Dùng một để tạo một phân vùng nhiều? (Y / N): n
Recovery / transformation command (? For help): w
Final checks complete. About để ghi GPT dữ liệu. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING
Bạn có muốn tiếp tục? (Y / N): y
OK; đang ghi bảng phân vùng GUID (GPT) để / dev / sda.
Hành động đã được thực hiện successfully.
root @ potassium: ~ #
14. At this stage, users can use either Kali Linux and OSX or choose which one you want to use at startup.
If you want, you can change rEFInd in a variety of ways, including:
If you want to make any of these changes, boot into OSX and change the following file:
osx: ~ mbp $ sudo nano /EFI/refind/refind.conf
Using Apple's boot menu, the value name cannot be changed. If you want to customize these values, you will need to use rEFInd.
See more: