• How to Defrag Windows 8

    How to Defrag Windows 8
    defragging a hard drive groups all of the used segments of the hard drive together. this makes the hard drive more efficient, because it needs to spin less to get to different
  • How to Fix Windows 8.1 Lags

    How to Fix Windows 8.1 Lags
    slow pcs represent one of the largest sources of questions on many internet forums. if you're an avid computer user, you most certainly have experienced windows 8.1 lags and
  • How to Optimize Windows 8

    How to Optimize Windows 8
    one of the best methods to improve the performance of your pc is to optimize the drive. windows 8 has features that allow you to optimize the drives in pcs. the system
  • How to Defrag Windows 10

    How to Defrag Windows 10
    when too many files in your hard disk are in different places or clusters in your hard disk, or 'fragmented,' your computer slows down. when you defrag your drive, the pieces of