it is often mistakenly believed that the 'circulating air' in the cabin will make passengers susceptible to each other. this is not true in modern aircraft.
according to deputy health minister nguyen thanh long, if he is not determined to prevent covid-19 from invading, it will be difficult for the epidemic to spread in the community.
if you have symptoms of covid-19 but do not feel too bad, do not panic, you may only have a common cold or flu. if you've never been in close contact with a positive person with
virus creation experts always take advantage of hot news events to make the opportunity to spread malicious code. the trojan called naiva.a is currently infected in the form of an
there are many foods you should not associate with honey no matter what.
if you frequently travel by plane, take note of the items below because these are unexpectedly dirty items.
there is a lot of difference between colds and flu, while colds are slow, persistent for a few days, flu symptoms often appear suddenly and you will feel pain for a few days of
so how to identify and prevent these diseases effectively when it gets cold.
flu is an acute respiratory infection caused by a virus. this disease is very common and easily spread to other people, especially the elderly and young children.
refer to how to treat colds quickly below!
international researchers have just announced that they have successfully tested the first phase of a new, extremely effective and safe anti-influenza drug, radavirsen.
a new study shows that nearly half of elderly patients in ontario, canada have been prescribed antibiotics from doctors to treat common colds unnecessarily. this seems to be
a newly identified protein that increases the effectiveness of vaccines receives the attention of the medical community.
an extremely dangerous new medical finding from people with asthma is getting the attention of the scientific community.
new research shows that lfitm3 genetic modification plays a very important role in the inflammatory response often caused by influenza viruses.