• How to Burn Dual Layer DVD

    How to Burn Dual Layer DVD
    a dual layer dvd (digital versatile disc) is similar to the original dvd created by efmplus in 1995 except it can store up to 8.5 gigabytes of data instead of just 4.7 gigabytes.
  • Acer Aspire 4520G - laptop for gamer

    Acer Aspire 4520G - laptop for gamer
    digiworld distributor has just introduced to vietnam market the laptop game acer aspire 4520g-401g16mi, designed with gemstone style and integrated many unique features.
  • Micronas introduced a new TV card for laptops

    Micronas introduced a new TV card for laptops
    pc users have long been no stranger to tv cards through tivo and pinacle products, etc. however, tv cards for laptops are still quite rare. to 'fill' that gap, micronas released