in 1969, nasa made history when it completed the mission to set foot on the moon. since then, conquering the moon has become the ambition of many countries around the world. but

in southern egypt, it was discovered that the ancient ancient coin with alien pictures made many believe that this was evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

using google earth, people discovered two secret entrances in antarctica. according to ufo hunters this may be the entrance of the underground military base or alien base. they

recently, the mexican government has published a series of writings and images discovered in the calakmul ruins that are believed to be evidence that the mayans used to communicate

hy-brasil, the name that makes navigators and historians take hundreds of years to search and answer but still has no answer. after nearly 200 years of disappearance, it appeared

during the cold war, in the sky of petrozavodsk, the soviet union, a giant jellyfish-shaped ufo object appeared strangely and mysteriously, causing scientists to do so until today.

the bermuda triangle and the egyptian pyramid are famous for their unanswered mysteries that are known to the world. song at mapimí silent zone, a mysterious land in mexico known

this area has existed for a long time, but in 2013, the us government recognized its existence.

many people believe that this is a sign of aliens left. however, people who do not believe in aliens say that it is most likely someone's artistic work.

over the years, there have been many reports of uso soviet records on the uso that have become unexplained mysteries.

these bases are believed to conduct experiments on mind control, cloning, ...

among them are the difficult mysteries from world war ii such as strange flying objects in the los angeles air raid, the mysterious disappearance of the ghost train full of wealth

please join us to learn about 8 strange alien bases on google maps in this article!

is life on mars captured? ufos and aliens 'found' on red planet. invite you to find out in this article!

recently, nasa has confirmed the ufo could cause an unusual problem on the spacecraft lunar reconnaissance orbiter (lro) near 380,000 km from earth and is tracking the surface of

below is a video confirming the prophecy of the prophet nostradamus: aliens will arrive on earth in september 2017.

nasa's spirit self-propelled robot has found evidence of life on mars before being trapped in a sand pit and confirmed to disappear by nasa in 2010? it can be said that two

a strange object in the center of the sun's orbit was discovered by astronomer james scotti of the university of arizona (usa) in 1991 and was named 1991 vg. it will sweep through

at the end of this september, china will inaugurate the world's largest radio telescope dedicated to searching for alien life in the distant universe.

until now, the journey to find extraterrestrial life still assumes that our cosmic neighbors are organic creatures. but what happens if they are artificial intelligence?