Marvel at the mysterious giant swastika circle that appears on the field

Many people believe that this is a sign of aliens left. However, people who do not believe in aliens say that it is most likely someone's artistic work.

Recently, a mysterious circle of swastika appeared unexpectedly on the field at Avery, Wilts, England.

Hugh Newman , a farmer, was surprised to discover that the crops on his field formed this 55-meter-wide circle. He had to use a flying camera to take a picture of this circle.

Marvel at the mysterious giant swastika circle that appears on the field Picture 1Marvel at the mysterious giant swastika circle that appears on the field Picture 1 "The big problem is who cut those mysterious circles that farmers take care of their fields often without knowing it?" , Hugh Newman shared with confusion.

These are not the first strange circles to appear in the field this year. Last year, in Argentina , people also discovered another series of mysterious circles.

Marvel at the mysterious giant swastika circle that appears on the field Picture 2Marvel at the mysterious giant swastika circle that appears on the field Picture 2

Many people believe that this is a sign of aliens left . However, people who do not believe in aliens say that it is most likely someone's artistic work.

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