The mysterious Petrozavodsk event: UFOs appeared in the Soviet Union during the Cold War

During the Cold War, in the sky of Petrozavodsk, the Soviet Union, a giant jellyfish-shaped UFO object appeared strangely and mysteriously, causing scientists to do so until today.

During the Cold War, in the sky of Petrozavodsk , the Soviet Union, a giant jellyfish UFO object appeared strangely and mysteriously, causing scientists to do so today.

On September 20, 1977, in the sky of Petrozavodsk, a city of the Soviet Republic of Karelia suddenly appeared a UFO shaped like a red jellyfish that emitted intense light but did not emit any sound.

People have counted 48 unidentified objects in the sky then. The light emitted by them is so strong that people in Helsinki (the Finnish capital) and Copenhagen (the Danish capital) in western Vladivostok are also easily observed.

The mysterious Petrozavodsk event: UFOs appeared in the Soviet Union during the Cold War Picture 1The mysterious Petrozavodsk event: UFOs appeared in the Soviet Union during the Cold War Picture 1

In search of answers to this mysterious phenomenon, the local government sent a letter to Anatoly Aleksandrov - chairman of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. A series of newspapers also reported on the strange object with a dazzling light and a long tail like a jellyfish. But no one can explain what that object is?

Scientists have also conducted studies to find answers to this question. These include Lev Gindilis of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Sternberg Astronomical Institute) who analyzed astronomical data to find similarities with the phenomenon but had no results. Or D. Menkov, an architect and physicist from the Moscow Institute of Technical Physics (MEPI) and his colleague I. Petrovskaya tried to compare the data of the events at the time but due to the scope of the phenomenon was too large cannot make any conclusions.

After the Petrozavodsk Event, the Soviet Union began to consider studying, learning about UFOs , hunting for alien life .

Even Chairman of the Council of Ministers Alexei Kosygin proposed a secret research program called SETKA (Wire Mesh) in 1977. The purpose was to study and hunt for mysterious phenomena about UFOs and aliens. . At that time, this was considered a secret program, the press was not allowed to update it even if it was renamed many times to avoid being detected.

During the operation, the program has collected over 400 mysterious cases that cannot be explained along with a huge number of records kept. The program ended when the Soviet Union disintegrated.

So far, the mysterious phenomenon in the sky Petrozavodsk has yet to answer and become one of the confidential files of the Iron Rail project.

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