
Summary of Important Computer Shortcuts You Must Know

Computer shortcuts help you perform operations on your computer faster and more professionally. Below is a list of important shortcuts that you should remember.

Computer shortcuts are simply a combination of keys used to replace the operation of searching for certain functions using the mouse. This helps you save a lot of time and increase efficiency when using the computer. Below is a summary of the most common shortcuts on the computer that any user should remember.

Picture 1 of Summary of Important Computer Shortcuts You Must Know

Basic computer shortcuts

Ctrl + C: Copy selected objects

Ctrl + X: Cut selected object

Ctrl + V: Paste selected object

Ctrl + Z: Undo

Ctrl + A: Select all.

Ctrl + a navigation key (up/down/left/right): Select multiple discrete files or folders.

Ctrl + Shift + a navigation key (up/down/left/right): Select multiple consecutive files or folders.

Ctrl + Shift + drag mouse: Create shortcut for selected folder or file.

Ctrl + left arrow key: Move the mouse cursor to the first character of the word before it.

Ctrl + right arrow key: Move the cursor to the last character of the word that follows it.

Ctrl + down arrow key: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.

Ctrl + up arrow key: Move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.

Ctrl + Esc: Opens the Start Menu, used as an alternative to the Windows key.

Ctrl + Tab: Move back and forth in order from left to right between browser tabs.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move back and forth in order from right to left between browser tabs.

Ctrl + F4: Close the open window in the working program.

Ctrl + Alt + Tab: Control the arrow keys to switch open applications.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.

F1: Access the software help section.

F2: Rename the selected object

F3: Enables the search for files or folders in My Computer.

F4: Open the address list in the Address section in My Computer.

F5: Refresh icons in open windows.

F6: Move screen elements on the desktop or a window.

F10: Quick access to the Menu bar of the working application.

Picture 2 of Summary of Important Computer Shortcuts You Must Know

Alt + Enter: Open the Properties of the selected folder or file.

Alt + F4: Close a program.

Alt + Tab: Switch between running tabs.

Alt + Esc: Select another active window to work on.

Alt + click: Quickly move to a certain part of the text from the table of contents.

Alt + F8: Show password at login screen.

Alt + left arrow key: Go back to previous page.

Alt + right arrow key: Go to the next page.

Backspace: Go back to the previous item (similar to Undo).

Shift + Delete: Permanently delete a file or folder immediately without moving it to the recycle bin.

Shift + F10: Open the shortcut menu for a selected object

Enter: Confirms the entered data (used instead of program buttons, OK button…).

PrtSc button: Takes a screenshot of the entire current screen, and copies the image to the clipboard.

Computer shortcuts used in text editing

Ctrl + F: search for words or text in an existing file.

Ctrl + H: find and replace existing words or text.

Ctrl + B: bold the entire selected text.

Ctrl + I: italicize the entire selected text.

Ctrl + U: underline the entire selected text.

Ctrl + O: open previously existing files.

Ctrl + N: open a new file with no data.

Ctrl + S: overwrites a previously existing data file.

Picture 3 of Summary of Important Computer Shortcuts You Must Know

Esc: used to close sub-windows after opening these windows to perform search or replace operations from…

Alt + a certain key to perform a specific command. When you press Alt, the command icons on the toolbar will immediately display a certain letter. Depending on your needs, you can press the letters to perform the command. For example, press Alt + N to move to the Insert menu, then press P to insert an existing image from your computer.

Ctrl + P: print the document in the machine.

Ctrl + F10: minimize or maximize the running program

Computer shortcuts used with the Windows logo key

Windows: Click to open or close the Start menu

Windows + A: Open Action center.

Windows + B: Set the focus notification area on the Taskbar.

Windows + C: Open Cortana in listening mode.

Windows + D: Hide or show the desktop.

Windows + M: Minimize the open window to the taskbar.

Windows + E: Open File Explorer.

Windows + I: Open Settings

Windows + P: Switch to presentation display mode (when connecting to a projector or external display)

Windows + R: Open the Run window.

Windows + F: General search.

Windows + F1: Search for operating system instructions.

Windows + G: Open Game bar application

Windows + Y: Switch input between Mixed Reality and desktop mode.

Windows + O: Lock device orientation.

Windows + X: Open Quick Link

Windows + T: Switch between applications in the Taskbar

Windows + Numbers 0 to 9: Open the application at positions 0 to 9 on the Taskbar.

Windows + Alt + Numbers 0 to 9: Open the Jump List of applications at positions 0 to 9 on the Taskbar

Windows + Alt + D: Show or hide the date and time on your computer.

Picture 4 of Summary of Important Computer Shortcuts You Must Know

Windows + Home: Zoom in or out of all but the active desktop window.

Shift +Windows + M: Restore the original size of previously minimized windows on the desktop.

Shift + Windows + Up Arrow Key: Extend the desktop window size to the top and bottom of the screen.

Shift +Windows +Down Arrow Key: Minimize or maximize current desktop windows vertically and keep their horizontal size.

Shift + Windows + Left Arrow Key: Move the current window to the left side of the screen.

Shift + Windows + Right arrow key: Move the active window to the right side of the screen.

Windows + Left Arrow Key: Move the current window or app to the left.

Windows + Right Arrow Key: Move the current window or app to the right.

Windows + S (or Q): Open Search

Windows + Tab: Open Task View

Ctrl + Windows + D: Create a new virtual desktop.

Ctrl + Windows + F4: Close the active virtual desktop.

Ctrl + Windows + Right Arrow: Move to the virtual desktop on the right side.

Ctrl + Windows + Left Arrow: Move to the virtual desktop on the left.

Ctrl + Windows + F: Search for data in My Computer.

Computer shortcuts used in the system

Hold down the right Shift key (for 8 seconds): Turn FilterKeys on or off.

Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen: Turn High Contrast on or off.

Left Alt + Right Shift + Numlock: Turn MouseKeys on or off.

Press Shift key 5 times in a row: Turn StickyKeys on or off either.

Useful computer shortcuts when using web browsers

Ctrl + B: Open the list of favorite addresses on the browser.

Ctrl + E: Move to the search bar on the browser.

Ctrl + F: Quickly search for data on the open website.

Ctrl + H: Quickly access browsing history.

Ctrl + I: Open the browser's favorites folder.

Ctrl + L: Displays a dialog box to enter the address of the website you want to visit.

Ctrl + N: Quickly create a new web browser window.

Ctrl + R: Refresh the data currently displayed on an open website.

Ctrl + F5: Refresh the information on the website and delete old data in the Cache.

Ctrl + T: Open new tab.

Ctrl + W: Close current tab.

Note that, for the computer to receive the command, you need to make sure to press the keys in the combination at the same time. In addition, you also need to remember the shortcut keys correctly, avoid using them by mistake because it can cause the computer to malfunction.

Above is a list of some extremely useful computer shortcuts that you need to remember. Hopefully the above information will help you use your computer more effectively and professionally, saving more time in all tasks.

Update 17 January 2025