Summary of 50 most popular Ctrl-using shortcuts in Excel
In previous articles, we have introduced all keyboard shortcuts in Excel. Users use keyboard shortcuts in Excel to work faster and manipulate more accurately. In Excel, the Ctrl shortcut is the most important key. Specifically, there are up to 50 keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl in Excel that users should know. Learn 50 keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl in Excel below.
50 keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl in Excel
Ctrl + Z : Return to the previous step.
Ctrl + Y : Go to the last step.
Ctrl + C : Copy the content of in Excel.
Ctrl + X : Copy and delete the contents of the selected cell.
Shortcut Ctrl V : Paste copied data into Excel cell
Ctrl + Delete : Delete text to the end of the line.
Ctrl + Shift + : (colon) : Insert current time
Ctrl + PageDown : Switch to left sheet
Ctrl + PageUp : Switch to right sheet
Ctrl + W : Close worksheetexcel
Ctrl + O : Open new excel workbook
Ctrl + S : Save excel spreadsheet
Ctrl + Space (Spacebar) : Select all data in the column.
Ctrl + Shift + * (asterisk) : Selects the entire area around the active cells.
Ctrl + A key (or Ctrl + Shift + spacebar ): Select the entire excel worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + Page U p: Select the current and previous sheet in the same Excel file.
Ctrl + Shift + Home : Select to the first of the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + End Key : Select to the last cell used on the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + left arrow / Ctrl + Shift + right arrow : Select or deselect a word from the left, right.
Ctrl + Home : Move to the first cell of a worksheet.
Ctrl + End Key: Move to the last cell containing the content on a worksheet.
Ctrl + F : Displays the Find and Replace dialog box (opens the Find - Find item).
Ctrl + H key : Display the Find and Replace dialog box (Replace available).
Ctrl + G (or F5 ) : Displays the 'Go to' dialog box.
Ctrl + left arrow / Ctrl + Right arrow : Inside a cell: Move to the left or right cell of that cell.
Ctrl + D : Copy the contents of the cell above.
Ctrl + R : Copy the cell contents to the left.
Ctrl + " (double quote) : Copy the cell contents above and in the editing state
Ctrl + ' (apostrophe) : Copy the formula of the cell above and in the editing state
Ctrl + – (minus sign) ): Displays the delete cell/row/column menu.
Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign) : Displays the insert cell/row/column menu.
Shift + F2 : Insert / Edit a comment cell.
Ctrl + K : Insert a link.
Ctrl + 9 : Hide selected row in excel.
Ctrl + Shift + 9 : Show the hidden row in the selection containing that row.
Ctrl + 0 (number 0) : Hide selected column in excel
Ctrl + Shift + 0 (number 0) : Show hidden column in selection.
Note : In Excel 2010 does not work, to show the newly hidden column, press: Ctrl + Z.
Ctrl + 1 : Display the Format dialog box.
Ctrl + B (or Ctrl + 2) : Apply or cancel bold formatting.
Ctrl + I (or Ctrl + 3) : Apply or cancel italic formatting.
Ctrl + U (or Ctrl + 4) : Apply or cancel an underscore.
Ctrl + 5 : Apply or cancel strikethrough formatting.
Ctrl + Shift + $ (dollar character) : Apply currency format with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + ~ (tilde) : Apply the General style number format.
Summary of 50 most popular Ctrl-using shortcuts in Excel Picture 1
Ctrl + Shift + # (hash sign) : Apply date format as: day, month and year.
Ctrl + Shift + @ : Apply time format with hours, minutes and specify AM or PM.
Ctrl + Shift + ^ (caret) : Apply scientific number format with two decimal places.
Ctrl + A key : Display the input method after entering the name of the formula.
Ctrl + Shift + A : Insert arguments in the formula after entering the name of the formula.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter key : Enter the formula as an array formula.
Ctrl + Shift + U : Switch to expand or collapse the formula bar.
Ctrl + ' : Switch the display of the formula in the cell instead of the value.
The keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl in Excel are absolutely necessary, right? To get familiar with Excel, users need to learn 7 Excel 2016 calculation tips. Tips such as creating charts, creating series . help users use Excel most effectively. Please refer to 7 Excel 2016 calculation tips to use the latest version of this table calculation tool.
Many users also wonder why can't edit Excel when opening with Office 2016. Actually, your Excel is not at fault, the reason for not being able to edit on Excel 2016 is very simple. You just need to turn off the Protected View feature on Excel 2016. However, turning off Protected View means that you will have to face virus files, which are harmful to Excel and the computer.
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