Steps to fix the error of the computer not turning on

The error of the computer not turning on can come from many different causes and it is difficult to determine the specific error if you do not have much experience, this article summarizes the most common ways to fix it when the computer does not turn on. source.

1. Turn on the power switch

Picture 1 of Steps to fix the error of the computer not turning on

Today, computer power supplies are equipped with a lot of protection technology and one of them is the power switch located on the back. This power switch has the function of helping the user to quickly stop the power supply and they protect the computer from prying eyes of others. For some reason, your power switch is in OFF mode, no matter how hard you try, you can't turn them on. So, please find the Power switch behind the power supply and turn them ON to supply power.

2. Manual Power Activation

Picture 2 of Steps to fix the error of the computer not turning on

Normally, the power button on the computer case will be connected to the JUMP jack area of ​​the motherboard, if these connector pins are loose, you will not be able to start the computer through the power button. In case the power button on the case is broken, flickering, you will not be able to start the computer. In this case, we will manually start the computer by touching the JUMP Power pins together. This is quite complicated, so please consider carefully.

Step 1: Identify the JUMP pin area on the motherboard, usually JUMP will be located at the bottom of the motherboard and they are named: PWR_LED, PW, HDD_LED, RS_LED, etc. If you find an area with one Of the above names, it is correct.

Step 2: The JUMP area of ​​any motherboard is the same, they will have a total of 9 pins and the upper row has only 4 pins. Your job now is to let the pins 3 and 4 (the missing leg) of the upper row touch each other.

To make pins 3 and 4 in contact with each other, use metal objects such as screwdrivers, keys, wires, . (as long as it's metal).

Picture 3 of Steps to fix the error of the computer not turning on

3. Check the input voltage

Picture 4 of Steps to fix the error of the computer not turning on

In some cases, a broken or short-circuited power supply cord is also the main cause of the power supply not getting in and not turning on. So, please proceed to unplug the power cord and check it carefully before starting. If your power cord is broken or damaged, you can go to the nearest electrical store to buy it, this is a common wire standard because they appear on rice cookers and amps, so you can easily buy them. OK.

4. Power discharge

Picture 5 of Steps to fix the error of the computer not turning on

Discharging the power is a simple form of restarting the power on the computer without taking too much effort of the user. Discharging the source will help the internal components no longer have residual voltage and will correct the error of power failure due to signal loss. The discharge work is as follows:

Step 1: You proceed to unplug the computer.

Step 2: Then, press the power button 10-15 times within 3 minutes. Next, you wait another 5 minutes to press the power button 10-15 more times.

Step 3: After discharging the power, you need to wait 10 minutes to plug in the computer again. Now press the power button to start to see the surprise.

5. Check all connection wires

Picture 6 of Steps to fix the error of the computer not turning on

The power supply is connected to the motherboard through a series of very large wire assemblies, so please check the wiring from the power board to the motherboard, CPU, VGA to have get the most accurate results. In case you do not have too much knowledge about computers, it is best to take it to the nearest computer store to get specific support.

In this article, TipsMake has shown you how to fix the error of the computer not turning on quickly and effectively. Have a nice day!

Update 03 June 2021


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