Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows
Normally on Windows the shutdown process will be faster than the boot process. When you execute the Shutdown command, Windows will close all programs and services that are running. If the application and Service do not make a request from Windows, the system will automatically close all and shutdown.
However, if your computer runs the old operating system, or if your Windows system takes a long time to close all processes and the Service is running, the shutdown process will last longer, making you feel uncomfortable. .
In the following article, Network Administrator will guide you how to speed up the process of shutting down your Windows computer.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 1
1. Check the value WaitToKillServiceTimeout
To speed up the shutdown process for Windows, first press the Win + R key combination to open the Run dialog box, then enter the regedit keyword into the Run dialog box and press Enter to open the Windows Registry.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 2
After the Registry window appears, find the following link to find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout option:
Here you can see the default value set to 5000 .
To change this default value, double-click it and set the value to 2000 , click OK to save the change.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 3
Next, navigate to the following link to find the WaitToKillAppTimeout option:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 4
Here you can also double click and change the value to 2000 , then click OK to save the changes.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 5
The value of 5000 (5s) and 2000 (2s) is the time that the system waits to shut down the running service before shutting down.
On the Registry window, find the HungApp Timeout option and then double-click the option to open it.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 6
If you do not find HungApp Timeout , the easiest way is to create a new key named HungApp Timeout , then select New> String Value.
Here you also set the value in the Value Data frame to 2000 and click OK to save the changes.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 7
Value 2000 (2s) is the time that the system waits to turn off the running software before turning off the computer.
This is the simplest way to speed up the Windows shutdown process.
If you want, you can reset the Windows system configuration to automatically turn off the Task without having to ask by searching the AutoEndTasks option on the Registry window, then double-clicking the option then changing the value from 0 to 1 .
2. Make sure Windows does not delete the Page File when the computer is turned off
Windows uses Paging files, also known as page files as additional virtual memory. By default Windows hides this option to delete paging files when shutdown.
Windows deletes everything in the page file to make sure that no sensitive data is stored on the system and that others can access it by removing the hard drive and checking paging. file.
Your Windows computer may take a while to turn off the computer because Windows also does a process to delete the page file, if this option is enabled. How long the process takes depends on whether the page file size is large or small and the speed of your hard drive is fast or slow.
However, if your hard drive is encrypted, this option is not required. Encryption will prevent hackers from attacking your page file during shutdown.
If your computer is managed by IT, chances are they have enabled this option. In this case you can minimize the size of the page file again.
Registry Editor is a powerful tool that affects your system. Therefore, you should back up the Registry Editor to prevent a bad situation when editing the Registry Editor.
You can check if your computer deletes the page file when you shut down your computer by using the Windows Registry.
To do this, press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run command window, then enter regedit there and press Enter to open the Registry Editor window.
On the Registry Editor window, navigate to the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management
In the right pane, find the setting named ClearPageFileAtShutdown . If the data is set to '0x00000000 (0)' , Windows will not delete the page file when you turn off the computer. If set to 0x00000001 (1) ' , Windows will delete the page file when you turn off the computer.
If you do not find any ClearPageFileAtShutdown settings here, you can rest assured that Windows will not delete the page file when the computer is turned off.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 8
If ClearPageFileAtShutdown is set to 1 , you can prevent Windows from deleting the page file when you turn off the computer by double-clicking ClearPageFileAtShutdown and setting the value in the Value data frame to 0 . And the process of shutting down your Windows computer will become faster than ever.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 9
3. Local Services is the cause of slow shutdown errors
If a service running in the background on your computer can cause the shutdown process to slow down. Instead of sitting there and guessing how old you are, you can proceed to check which service it is.
To do this, you will have to use Event Viewer. On Windows 8 or Windows 10, right-click the Start button in the bottom left corner of the screen, then select Event Viewer or alternatively press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run command window, then type ' eventvwr ' go there and press Enter.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 10
On the Event Viewer window, navigate to the key:
Applications And Services LogsMicrosoftWindowsDiagnostics-PerformanceOperational
Right-click Operational and select Filter Current Log .
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 11
On the Filter Current Log window, enter 203 in the Event IDs box and then click OK . This will filter the logs and only show shutdown.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 12
Scroll down the list and you will only see the event named This service causing a delay in the system shutdown process . You will see the service name slowing down the shutdown process in the General pane. Look at the side of File Name and Friendly Name.
Trick to speed up the process of shutting down the computer, shutting down quickly on Windows Picture 13
The information you see here will only tell you which service is causing the slow shutdown process. For example, VPN software may cause the shutdown process to be slow. If the VPN settings are not used regularly, you can uninstall the VPN. You can go online to uninstall the program.
You can refer to some of the following articles:
10 tips for Windows 8.1 users to know
4 Ways to Reset Windows to its original state
How to disable / enable Windows Firewall in Windows 7, 8
Good luck!
You should read it
- Shorten the process of turning off the computer
- Ways to turn off Windows 10 computer
- Instructions to prevent shutdown on Windows 10 computers
- Trick to turn off the computer from the right-click menu on Windows 8
- How to fix computer errors without completely turning off the power
- Instructions for fixing errors do not turn off Windows 10 computers and laptops
- Instructions for scheduling a Windows 10 computer shutdown
- How to add Shutdown to the right-click menu on Windows 10
- How to turn off the computer automatically
- Shutdown command - Schedule the shutdown of Windows 10 with the Shutdown command
- How to create Slide to Shutdown function on Windows 10
- How to create a hot key for Windows to sleep and shutdown
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