Please answer the following questions before turning 30

What to do to succeed? Answering questions about yourself before turning 30 will help you not regret it for the rest of your life.

In the years of 20 years old, you constantly ask yourself questions. When should we get married? Where should I live? Which career should be pursued? If you have problems answering those questions, you should probably ask yourself other questions. On the social network Quora there are many topics that discuss the situation of people who are not determined, so they decide what everyone has experienced.

We offer here 7 things we think are the key to answering questions when you're young . These questions will help determine what you really want and need , which in turn will make it easier to decide on your career-related issues and relationships.

Remember that there is no right answer to these questions and even your own answers will change over time. The problem is to start thinking about what you hope to achieve in life and how to achieve it.

1. If I die tomorrow, will I be satisfied with my life?

In this regard, you probably think that you have a few decades ahead. Hope that you are right. However, there is no reason to postpone what you can achieve today until one day in the future. Make changes today.

Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 1Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 1
Are you satisfied with your life if you die tomorrow

A Quora user named Matthew Jones writes: If you are currently not happy with your life, it is important to take the time to reevaluate time management. Life is full of uncertainty and there is no certainty that there will be one tomorrow, so even though planning and setting long-term goals for the future is important, you still need to live right now. in.

2. What is my value statement?

Nicolas Cole once wrote: "There is a very big and interesting saying like this" What can I do? "In business, there is a lot to say about" value proposition. " What is your statement and how much is it worth?" This is similar to Fred Landis' question: Is there anything I can do easily while others find it difficult?

Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 2Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 2
Think about your own value statement

Once you discover your own value or talent, you can work and become an expert in your field. As AJ Agrawal wrote at Inc. " Remember to write down 3 to 4 notes about your own value and take the time to read it every day. Start sharing articles on social networks, blogging, writing articles about them. Time, many people will realize you are an expert in your field . "

3. Who inspired me the most?

Sanchit Jain once emphasized the following question, which was published in Relevant Magazine: " Think about a person you want to be like them. Who is it? What's in their life or story Write down the words that appear right in your head. The type of person you want to be like will tell you a lot about the person you want to be in the future . "

Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 3Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 3
The model of who you want to be is who will decide who you are in the future

4. Why do I wake up every morning?

This question was asked by Ariel Banayan, another question of the question: " For what purpose do you live for?" The answer may not be easy, but you will definitely find a purpose. The sooner you find out, the sooner you start to accumulate all the energy you have to complete it.

Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 4Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 4
Answer the question of why I wake up every morning to find meaning in life

5. What have I learned today?

Raja Reddy Poreddy writes: When in the 20s, the learning curve or the learning speed (learning curve) is very high. Learn lots of things every day and don't forget to record in your journal what you learn every day. Keeping a journal habit is also very good, even if you are in your 30s or older. The goal is to learn new things every day and your perspective on the world will also gradually change.

Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 5Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 5
Do not stop learning every day when you are young

6. Who do I love and do I say or show them?

This question comes from Adam Rifkin, co-founder of PandaWhale. Don't assume that friends and family know what you're thinking, tell them that you care about them. This is especially important when in a Harvard University study that close relationships are the key to happiness and longevity.

Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 6Please answer the following questions before turning 30 Picture 6
Don't forget to tell your family and friends how you feel

7. What is my definition of success?

Irene Enriquez wrote: This is a question that really improved my life. We all think that defines success with power, reputation and money. But success is not limited to those things. Success can mean peace in the mind or an environment where you can nurture your talents.

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Make your own definition of success

"You have to be a person who defines your success. This will help guide you to make the right decisions."

Author: Shana Lebowitz

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