Click 'Options' at the bottom of the options list on the left.
Quickly identify file locations in Word 2013 Picture 3
In the ' Word Options' dialog box , click on the 'Quick Access Toolbar' in the list of options on the left.
Quickly identify file locations in Word 2013 Picture 4
To reduce the options that appear to easily find the desired option, select ' Commands Not in the Ribbon' from the drop-down list in the ' Choose commands from' section .
Quickly identify file locations in Word 2013 Picture 5
Scroll down the list of commands until you find 'Document Location', click on it and click 'Add ' to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Quickly identify file locations in Word 2013 Picture 6
You can move the Document Location button to another location in the Quick Access Toolbar using the arrow buttons. In the example in this article, the Document Location button is placed at the bottom of the toolbar, because the Document Location button is larger than the other nodes.
Quickly identify file locations in Word 2013 Picture 7
Click 'OK' to save and change the 'Word Options' dialog box .
You will see a ' Document Location' box with a drop-down list that appears on the Quick Access Toolbar and shows the path to the open document.
Quickly identify file locations in Word 2013 Picture 8
If you don't see the entire path in the Document Location box, click in the box and use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the end of the path.