Multimedia - Multimedia formats in HTML5

Multimedia is a term about products created to run on many different devices. In web framework, multimedia includes text, image, video, audio, animation. Websites often contain multimedia elements of different types and formats. Learn about multimedia formats through this lesson.

Multimedia is a term about products created to run on many different devices.

In web framework, multimedia includes text, image, video, audio, animation. Websites often contain multimedia elements of different types and formats.

Today's lesson will be with you to learn about multimedia formats.

Picture 1 of Multimedia - Multimedia formats in HTML5

Multimedia on browsers

The first web browser only supports text formatting, limited to one font and one single color.

Gradually growing, the latter browser supports more colors, more and more fonts and images.

Later, the browser supports adding video, audio and animation on the web in different ways according to the format. There are formats we have to install some plug-in programs to work.

HTML5 was born with the hope of making history, creating completely new changes, a promising future of multimedia.

Popular video formats




MPEG. developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group. This is the first popular video format on the web, supported by all browsers but not supported in HTML5 (see MP4). AVI .avi AVI (Audio Video Interleave) was developed by Microsoft, which is commonly used in video cameras and TVs. This format can run on computers but does not work on web browsers. WMV .wmv WMV (Windows Media Video) was developed by Microsoft, which is commonly used in video cameras and TVs. This format can run on computers but does not work on web browsers. QuickTime .mov QuickTime, developed by Apple, is commonly used in video cameras and TVs. This format can run on computers but cannot work on the website. (see MP4)



RealVideo is developed by Real Media, allowing video streaming with low bandwidth. The RealVideo format is often used in online video and Internet TV but does not work in web browsers. Flash



Flash was developed by Macromedia. This format often has to install new plug-ins that can be run on web browsers. Ogg .ogg Theora Ogg is developed by Xiph.Org Foundation, supported by HTML5. WebM .webm WebM is developed by giants, Mozilla, Opera, Adobe, and Google. Supported by HTML5. MPEG-4 or MP4 .mp4

MP4 was developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group based on QuickTime. Format is commonly used in video cameras and TVs. Supported by all browsers and recommended by YouTube.

Only MP4, WebM, and Ogg video formats are supported in the new HTML5 standard.

Popular audio formats





MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is the main format for all music devices such as synthesizers and PC sound cards. MIDI format files do not contain audio. It can run well on electronic devices and computers but does not work in web browsers. RealAudio



RealAudio was developed by Real Media, allowing audio streaming with low bandwidth. Format does not work on web browsers. WMA .wma WMA (Windows Media Audio) was developed by Microsoft. The format can run on a computer but does not work on a web browser. AAC .aac AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) was developed by Apple to be the default format for iTunes. The format can run on a computer but does not work on a web browser. WAV .wav WAV was developed by IBM and Microsoft, works on Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. Format supported in HTML5. Ogg .ogg Ogg. developed by Xiph.Org. Format supported in HTML5. MP3 .mp3 MP3 is the audio part of MPEG files. MP3 is the most popular music format in the world, can compress music with low capacity but still give good quality. MP3 is supported by all browsers.
MP4 .mp4 MP4 is the format for video but can also be used for audio. MP4 is supported by all browsers.

MP3 is the latest format that allows you to compress music without compromising on quality.

If you plan to make a music website, this is a wise choice.

Only MP3, WAV, and Ogg audio formats are supported in the new HTML5 standard.

Previous article: SVG element in HTML5

Update 25 May 2019


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