Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

The following article details how to use Histogram to plot probability distribution charts in Excel. In order to use the Histogram Office, the Analysis Toolpak must be installed.

The following article details how to use Histogram to plot probability distribution charts in Excel.

In order to use the Histogram Office, the Analysis Toolpak must be installed.

1. Install Analysis Toolpak

Step 1: Click on File -> Option -> Dialog appears -> at Add-Ins tab -> select Analysis Toolpak -> Go .

Picture 1 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Step 2: The Add-Ins dialog box appears -> select the Analysis Toolpak -> OK .

Picture 2 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

So you have installed Analysis Toolpak for Excel.

2. Draw a histogram of probability distribution using Histogram

Example: For a data table, draw a histogram of probability distribution using Histogram.

Picture 3 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Step 1: Select Data -> Data Analysis -> The Data Analysis dialog box appears -> Histogram -> OK .

Picture 4 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Step 2: Histogram dialog appears -> Select the data you want to draw in Input Range -> Select the data area containing the value of the layers in Bin Range -> Select the position of the chart in Output Range -> Check all 3 items: Pareto , Cumulative , Chart Output -> OK .

Picture 5 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Results have drawn the chart:

Picture 6 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Working on the chart

1. Change the Style and Color for the chart

Click the icon

Picture 7 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Picture 8 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

2. Add the elements of the chart

For example: Add GridLines -> click the icon

Picture 9 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Picture 10 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

3. Select the values ​​of the chart

Click the icon

Picture 11 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Picture 12 of Instructions for drawing probability distribution charts in Excel

Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


Mac OS X



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