How to Adjust Virtual Memory

You can adjust virtual memory to help increase your performance if your computer is running too many programs at once. You can adjust virtual memory in either a PC, Mac or a Linux-based computer. This guide will give you quick steps for...

Method 1 of 3:

Adjusting Microsoft Windows OS (XP, Vista and 7)

  1. Picture 1 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Click on the Start Menu in Windows XP. Select Control Panel. Select System from the Control Panel. Click the Performance button in the System menu.
  2. Picture 2 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Choose the Advanced settings tab. Click the Change button in the Virtual Memory section.
  3. Picture 3 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Decide the amount of disk space you would like to allocate to the paging file. Windows XP recommends that you allocate 1.5 times your physical RAM. So, if you have 2 GB of RAM, your maximum paging file should be 3,000 MBs.
  4. Picture 4 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Click the Start Menu in Windows Vista. Go to the Control Panel and select System Maintenance. From there, select System.
  5. Picture 5 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Select Advanced System Settings in the left navigation panel. Choose the Advanced Tab. Click the Change button in the Virtual Memory section.
    1. Select whether you want the system to control the paging file size, or you can choose to customize your settings. Windows' recommended settings for your system will appear at the bottom of the dialog window.
      Picture 6 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
  6. Picture 7 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Click the Start Menu button in Windows 7. Right-click on Computer and choose Properties. Click on Advanced System Settings in the left menu.
  7. Picture 8 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Click the Settings button in the Performance section of the System Properties dialog window. Click the Advanced tab in the Performance Options dialog window. Click on the Change button in the Virtual Memory section.
    1. Choose whether you want the system to automatically manage the paging file size or if you want to customize the settings yourself. The Windows recommended settings will appear at the bottom of this dialog window.
      Picture 9 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
Method 2 of 3:

Adjusting Mac OS X

  1. Picture 10 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Open the Terminal program. You'll find it in the Utilities folder under the Applications folder.
  2. Picture 11 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    To turn off the swap file, type this command into the Terminal window: sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  3. Picture 12 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    To re-activate the swap, Type this command in the terminal window: sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ the hard drive that will serve your virtual memory file. Up and down arrows will appear that will allow you to adjust the amount of virtual memory as either more or less.
Method 3 of 3:

Adjusting Linux OS

  1. Picture 13 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Backup any data that you want to keep-resizing partitions can cause data losss/corruption. Boot from live cd-it needs to have gparted on it. It should detect that you have linux installed and will use the swap space.
  2. Picture 14 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Open gparted and click on your swap partition (right click) press swap off. This dismounts swap so you can increase the size of it.
  3. Picture 15 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Shrink a partition next to it by the same size that you want to increase your swap partition by. So let's assume you have 4gb ram and 4gb swap. You need an 8gb swap. So you should reduce the partition next to swap by 4gb. The unallocated (greyed out) space should be next to the partition. (This may be done by booting through CD ROM and un-mounting the partitions). Now click on the partition (the bar at the top of gparted) and select resize. Include your unallocated space. click swapon-restart.
  4. Picture 16 of How to Adjust Virtual Memory
    Enjoy having more swap.
Update 11 March 2020


Mac OS X



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