Google began updating the timer feature to automatically delete browsing data and location history to all users

With this new feature of Google, users can set the above data to be automatically deleted if the time is exceeded, from 3 to 18 months.

In May, Google introduced the automatic timer to delete browsing data and location history. And now, after a long time of research and experimentation, the technology company has officially updated this feature to both Android and iOS operating systems, allowing users to limit the time of calendar storage. use location and browsing data.

The tech giant offers this feature to ensure users' privacy and security, which most users are very concerned about.

Picture 1 of Google began updating the timer feature to automatically delete browsing data and location history to all users

Previously, in order to remove location and activity data from stored Google services, users would have to do it manually. But with this new feature of Google, users can set the above data to be automatically deleted if the time is over, from 3 to 18 months. This tool promises to help the user experience will be significantly increased.

Picture 2 of Google began updating the timer feature to automatically delete browsing data and location history to all users

As expected, the entire user will be updated with the timer feature automatically deleting browsing data and location history in the next few weeks.

Update 27 June 2019


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