Getting Started with the Internet

With the Internet, you can access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and more.

The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the Internet, you can access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and more. You can do all of this on your computer.

Picture 1 of Getting Started with the Internet
Getting Started with the Internet

Connect to the Internet

A device must be connected to the Internet before you can access it. If you plan to use the Internet at home, you will usually need an Internet connection subscription from an Internet service provider - ISP , which can be a phone company, a cable TV company,. Mobile devices Mobile phones usually connect through a Wi-Fi connection or a mobile phone network. Sometimes libraries, cafes, and schools offer free Wi-Fi to their patrons, customers, and students.

See the article Connecting a computer to the Internet

IP address

When you connect your computer or mobile device to the Internet, they will be assigned an address called an IP address - Internet Protocol - Internet protocol. It is a sequence of numbers automatically allocated by the network equipment of the Internet service provider. 

An IP address is a unique address that network-connected devices use to identify and communicate with each other on a computer network using Internet protocols. Any network device including Modem/Router, computer, tablet, server, smartphone,. directly connected to the Internet has its own IP address.

  1. The device's IP address when connecting to the Internet has a difference from the IP address when connecting in an intranet or home network. 
  2. Normally, individual devices when connecting to the Internet will be given a non-fixed IP address that changes after a period of time, called a dynamic IP. The servers will be assigned a fixed IP that does not change, called a static IP. 

Through the IP address, the network service provider will know information about the device you are using, including hardware, software, location, . of the device and your actions.


Most information on the Internet is on Web sites. Once you are connected to the Internet, you can access Web pages using a type of application called a Web browser - Web Browser .

Common Web browsers are Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge on Windows, Safary on macOS, Google Chrome on Android, etc.

Picture 2 of Getting Started with the Internet
Popular Web browsers on computers

A Web Site is a collection of related text, images, and other resources. Web pages can resemble other forms of communication such as articles or television programs, or they can be interactive in a way that is unique to computers. The content of a Web site can be almost anything such as a news platform, advertising, online library, movie, music, forum for sharing and discussion, or a Web site like BuaXua .VN

A Web browser allows you to connect to and view Web pages. The Web browser itself is not the Internet, but it displays Web pages on the Internet. Each Web site has a unique address, called a domain name - Domain Name . By entering this address into your Web browser, you can connect to that Web site, and your Web browser will always display the address of the Web page it is displaying.

  1. When it comes to Web pages, we have the terms  Website  and  Webpage , because there is no consensus on the wording, so both are called  Websites , but in fact they are different. Website  is referred to as an overall Web site, such as when you say  BuaXua Website  or  BuaXua Website  you are referring to a Web site with a domain name address - Domain Name is .
  2. On a  Website,  there will be many Web pages with different content and they are called  Webpage or Page - Page  for short   . Each  Webpage  has its own address called  URL  -  Uniform Resource Locator . For example,   this  Webpage you are viewing has a URL  of
  3. The full address of a Web page is usually or however you can omit the header, just enter the domain name and the extension is or

Navigating Web Sites

Web pages often have links - Links to other pages, also known as hyperlinks - Hyperlink . Links on web pages can take many different forms such as menus - Menus , buttons - Buttons , or often pieces of text on a Web page called Text Links . By default, links are usually blue and sometimes they are underlined or bold, but Web sites can change them to a different color. If you click on the text with the link, your browser will load another page. Web site authors use hyperlinks to connect to related Web sites. This affiliate network is one of the most unique features of the Internet, it is a global network -World Wide Web .

Picture 3 of Getting Started with the Internet
There are often links on the Web - Links to other pages

When you point the mouse pointer over Menus, Buttons or Text Links, etc., they will have an effect or change color and at the same time, the icon of the mouse pointer will change from an arrow to a hand. is you can click here.  

Each Web page has a unique address, called a URL . You will notice that when you click on a link, the URL changes when your browser loads a new page. If you type a URL in the address bar of your Web browser, your browser will load the page associated with that URL . It's like a street address, telling your browser where to go to the Internet.

View instructions Using a web browser

Search engine and related results

When you are looking for specific information on the Internet, search engines can help. A search engine is a specialized Web site designed to help you find other Web sites. If you enter a keyword - Keyword or a phrase into the search engine, it will display a list of Web pages related to your search term.

Picture 4 of Getting Started with the Internet
Websites to help you find information on the Internet

See instructions How to search for information on the Internet

Other things you can do on the Internet

One of the best features of the Internet is its ability to communicate almost instantly with anyone in the world. Some other things you can do on the Internet are:

  1. Email is one of the oldest and most popular ways to communicate and share information on the Internet, and billions of people use it.
  2. Social media sites allow people to connect in different ways and build communities online.
  3. There are many other things you can do on the Internet. There are thousands of ways to stay up to date with the news or shop for anything online. You can pay bills, manage bank accounts, meet new people, watch TV or learn new skills. You can learn or do almost anything online.
  1. See instructions How to sign up for Gmail
  2. See instructions How to register and use Yahoo! Vietnam Mail
Update 08 May 2023


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