Exchange Server 2007: ten minutes of instruction

Microsoft introduced a unified messaging method to change the way companies control message overflow errors in a number of different formats. Exchange Server 2007 is the next version of the vulnerability groupware solution (groupware) released by Microsoft

Microsoft introduced a unified messaging method to change the way companies control message overflow errors in a number of different formats.

Exchange Server 2007 is the next version of the vulnerability groupware solution (groupware) released by Microsoft. Experts say there are many interesting points in this new product.

In addition to management, management and access enhancements based on Windows' PowerShell component, Microsoft also introduced the idea of ​​sending unified messages and how to control messages in a number of formats. There are also some requirements based on the operating mechanism of the VoIP system for new components. Let's consider what exactly new Exchange Server 2007 version is and what needs to be improved.

Picture 1 of Exchange Server 2007: ten minutes of instruction

Source: fcnet

Unified messages

Exchange Server 2007 brings the concept of 'unified messaging' into every product corner. Exchange mailbox box is like a miniature center with many aspects of user life. Exchange Server 2007 wants every piece of information or personal data to have its own path to help users manage easily anywhere and anytime.

Instant access to both e-mail, voice-mail, fax machines, calendars, to-do lists from any key device (including phones) is part of the above idea. According to Microsoft, the problem will soon be solved. Checking whether you have any news in a voice-mail, fax machine, e-mail or not is that activities can be sued or destroyed and stored in almost any form of utility for people. use.

So how is the unified message implemented in practice, at least in this version? The answer is that it is built in two areas: Outlook Voice Access and new capabilities, wireless support.

Outlook Voice Access

Perhaps the most important component for users is Outlook Voice Access, an excellent add-on in Exchange Server 2007. This program mainly connects data from the user's Exchange mailbox box with speech capabilities. embedded in service products. (Speech capabilities based on the 'lead' version of Microsoft Speech Server). Users can dial the Exchange port, enter the authorization code and connect to the calendar or email in the Inbox box. Outlook Voice Access will read e-mail, fax machine messages, calendar details, contact information, just like over the phone.

This program is not a one-way solution. Outlook Voice Access also responds to verbal commands, like a dedicated auto-secretary. For example, your flight is delayed by two hours, you can tell Outlook Voice Access by phone, it will notify the customer waiting for you to reschedule the meeting after two hours.

You can also call in and delete the agenda for a certain period of time or an entire day. Exchange will allow meeting participants to know your absence by audio interpretation. You can still perform common mailbox management functions such as answering and deleting messages via phone from any location.

Compatibility and wireless capabilities

Users of base Windows Mobile devices will be interested in increased access and better performance. Windows Mobile features are synchronized with the Exchange Server 2007 mailbox box, the platform ActiveSync is upgraded. Microsoft registers ActiveSync license before other mobile phone companies. The purpose of the company is to create the ability to synchronize Exchange with device platforms, not just Windows Mobile.

There is absolutely nothing new. In fact, most likely Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 is used in Exchange Server 2007, including an extended security component that allows deleting all remote data over the phone when the administrator announces the loss. or stolen. This component also pushes email support, allowing them to be delivered directly to connected devices. This is a better solution than many text-based sync mechanisms that appear on previous devices SP2.

Hardware requirements

The bridge between audio and data requires the use of separate branch exchange mechanism based on IP address, or voice-over-IP gateway. These mechanisms will allow phone users to call their mailboxes and allow audio messages to be sent to the user's Exchange mailbox.

Currently, Cissco System and several other solution providers are checking the compatibility of call management products with Exchange Server 2007. Many products are expected to be completely useful with integrated messaging services. most in Exchange version before 2007.

In addition, Exchange Server 2007 is integrated with Office Communications Server 2007 and Office Communicator 2007 according to the new client mechanism, two more complete audio solutions. They use Session Initiation Protocol and the ability to softphone (flexible phone) to manage various communication methods for users.

For example, Office Communication works with the same service model to provide an integrated place for audio, instant messaging, video conferencing and web meetings. Special hardware devices are being developed to work with Communicator and indirectly Exchange Server 2007.

Update 26 May 2019


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