Sometimes you want to access foreign websites, but the webmaster has blocked the IP address or domain name so that we cannot access the website. At that time, you will immediately think about changing the domain, DNS to another area to access. Today, would like to introduce you DNS Jumper software - to help you make DNS changes quickly and easily.
A quick introduction to DNS Jumper software
DNS stands for Domaoin Name System is a computer network protocol. DNS Jumper's task is to change the user domain to a new address to use the Internet.
You can download DNS Jumper at home page:
After downloading and installing successfully, the interface of the software:
You can convert to Vietnamese language to make it easier to use
(1) Select Options.
(2) Click on Languages.
(3) Select Vietnamese.
First, in the Select Network Adapter / Select Network Adapter section you can understand is to select the network you want to change the domain name. Including wired and wifi networks. If you are not proficient can choose All Network Adapters .
Next is Choose a DNS Server / Select DNS server . This is the main task of the software. DNS Jumper will show some popular DNS servers, less blocked by websites such as Open DNS, Google, Yandex . When you manually select the DNS server, you will see the DNS address will change accordingly. corresponding to the server you choose. Then click on Apply DNS
In addition to the usual manual selection, you can test which DNS server is faster for you to choose by. Choose Fastest DNS / DNS fastest.
Click Start DNS Test
Then the software will test the speed of transmitting and receiving data of the DNS servers. You choose the server that gives the fastest response speed, then select Apply DNS Server .
After you have finished your work, you can remove the domains you changed to return to the default by clicking Flush DNS / DNS Cleanup
So has introduced to you the DNS Jumper software - helps you change DNS very quickly, easily access Facebook and speed up the network. I wish you successful implementation!