Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator. In this tutorial, let's create a flat style portrait, depicting people from different industries. These images can be used as an avatar for you or the umbrella

In this tutorial, let's create a flat style portrait, depicting people from different industries. These images can be used as an avatar for you or used to design websites. You can even create your own portraits for business cards.

Basic shapes and tools of Adobe Illustrator are the minimum requirements for drawing vector illustrations, you need to follow the previous articles of the ThuThuyMet to know how to use them. In the process of drawing this professional avatar, we will discover new tips and tricks such as using Pathfinder, Clipping Masks or some other features. Get started now!

Picture 1 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 1

Start by creating the character's head, take the Rectangle Tool and draw a 65 x 80 px rectangle with a light pink Fill color.

Picture 2 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Select the shape with the Direct Selection Tool , then go to Object >> Path >> Add Anchor Points .

Picture 3 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

You will see that the image will be added with some anchor points to make it easier to customize. Repeat the operation again to get the following points:

Picture 4 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 2

In fact, we do not need to use all the Anchor Points, to delete redundant points, use the Direct Selection Tool (A) , hold Shift and select 6 points on either side.

Picture 5 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Select Object >> Path >> Remove Anchor Points .

Picture 6 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Now create the chin shape for the face, use the Direct Selection Tool to select 2 points in the bottom corner.

Picture 7 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Press Enter to open the position adjustment window (Move) >> Set Horizontal = 0 px, Vertical = -25 px >> OK .

Picture 8 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 3

If you want your chin to be wider or narrower, use the same way to move its anchor points. For example, to make the character's chin smaller, select the left anchor point, press Enter and set Horizontal = 5, Vertical = 0 >> OK ; for the right point Honrizontal = -5 . Here is the result:

Picture 9 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Make the corners more rounded by using the Direct Selection Tool >> Select 1 Corner point >> drag it closer to the center , the closer it is, the more rounded your corner will be, choose a moderate angle.

Picture 10 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

If you use an earlier version of Adobe Illustrator, there will be no Live Corners feature, but you can still do the same thing with Effect >> Stylize >> Round Corners .

Step 4

Open the Rounded Rectangle Tool by clicking the 3-dot icon in the toolbar >> Drag the Rounded Rectangle Tool to the toolbar.

Picture 11 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

To draw the nose, use the Rounded Rectangle Tool , draw a 9 x 20 px pink rectangle.

Picture 12 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Hold down Shift and use the Selection Tool (V) to select both the nose and the face. Then hold Alt and click the face again to select it as the main object (with thick borders around it), meaning all other objects will be aligned to it.

Now open Windows >> Align >> select Horizontal Align Center . And the nose is well balanced in the middle of the face.

Picture 13 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 5

Add a mustache to the fun of the design! You create a 30 x 10 px brown rectangle . Put it in the right position, then right click >> Arrange >> Send Backward and it will be placed under the nose.

Picture 14 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 6

Select the top left anchor point for the mustache, press Enter and set Horizontal = 10px , Vertical = 0px so it is moved closer to the nose, the opposite of the other point.

Picture 15 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Make the lower mustache rounder with Live Corners .

Picture 16 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 7

Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool to create a small shape as the lips, place it under the mustache with Ctrl + [ and align with Align .

Picture 17 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 8

Using Ellipse create an 8 x 8 px white circle as the eye, placing on it a 6 x 6 px brown circle .

Picture 18 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Continue drawing a small circle to create a highlight for the eyes.

Picture 19 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Select all three parts of the eye with the Selection Tool , then press Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to make a copy of it and place the balance on the opposite side.

Picture 20 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 9

Create a worker helmet that is a 65 x 39 px orange rectangle on the top of the head and rounded the top of the hat.

Picture 21 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 10

Now it's time to add hair, draw a long rectangle on the corner of the face, and round it to an inner corner like this:

Picture 22 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Make a copy of the hair, set on the opposite side. To flip the image, right click >> Transform >> Reflect . , check the box Vertical and then OK .

Picture 23 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 11

Or slightly modified the hat. Select the hat, right click >> Arrange >> Bring To Front to bring it to the top.

Picture 24 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Using the Scrissor Tool (C) , a point of intersection between the hair and a hat is the point below, this time your line has been cut at the point.

Picture 25 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Select the outermost anchor point and press Enter , enter H = 0, V = 5 and then OK . The anchor point will be pulled down as follows:

Picture 26 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Do the same with the other side:

Picture 27 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 12

As the cap for the hat, you create a longer, lighter orange rectangle attached to the hat.

Picture 28 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Using the Direct Selection Tool , select the Anchor point and drag it inside 10 px, creating a trapezoid like this:

Picture 29 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Round the 2 corners below a little bit.

Picture 30 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 13

Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool and create a 7 x 30 px rectangle on top of the helmet. Align in the center of the hat.

Picture 31 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Continue to create 2 shorter images and place it flush with the middle one. Use Align to align distances correctly.

Picture 32 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 14

Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool to draw the ears. Draw a pink 11 x 23 px side on the left and place it below with Shift + Ctrl + [ . Create a copy on the opposite side.

Picture 33 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 15

Create a 35 x 40 px rectangle for the neck with slightly darker skin than the face, making sure to circle the bottom.

Picture 34 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

The worker shirt design is a dark blue rectangle measuring 90 x 70 px .

Picture 35 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Take the Scrissors Tool and cut at two intersections between the neck and the shirt:

Picture 36 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Then, using the Direct Selection Tool, drag the top two corners down about 17 px .

Picture 37 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 16

Create a worker uniform with 2 orange stripes on the shoulder and 1 rectangle on the chest.

Picture 38 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Open Windows >> Pathfinder and use the Unite feature to combine all three shapes into one.

Picture 39 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Using the Selection Tool , hold Shift and select both the inner shirt and the uniform. Switch to Shape Builder tool (Shift + M) >> Hold Alt and click on the excess to delete it.

Picture 40 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Do the same for the 2 smaller strips.

Picture 41 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 18

To make the design more accentuated by darkening one side of it.

  1. Select all elements of the character (Control + A)
  2. Copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) it to the front
  3. Use the Unite function in Pathfinder to combine details.

Picture 42 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 19

Using the Line Segment Tool () , hold Shift and create a vertical line on the silhouette, aligning with Align for the line in the middle.

Select the line and the silhouette using the Selection Tool , the silhouette is the Main Object , then use the Divide feature of Pathfinder to cut the image in half.

Picture 43 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 20

Delete the left half and put the right part back to fit the picture.

Picture 44 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Choose black Fill and set the Opacity down to create a light shadow effect.

Picture 45 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 21

Looks like we've forgotten the eyebrow part. Create a circle around the eyes and set the Stroke color to the same as the other parts. Use the Scrissors Tool to cut half of the lower part.

Picture 46 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Open Windows >> Stroke >> select the thickness of 2pt and Cap round .

Picture 47 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 22

Select the eyebrows with the Selection Tool , then take the Eraser Tool , hold Alt and draw a rectangle across the eyebrows. Then release the mouse, the eyebrows have been shortened.

Picture 48 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Create a copy on the other side.

Picture 49 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 23

Round the shoulders to softer.

Picture 50 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 24

The main element of the avatar is complete, the next we will create the background to make the object more prominent. Use Ellipse (L) to draw a 180 x 180 px circle . Fill it with bright blue

Picture 51 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Make a copy and bring it to the front.

Picture 52 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Press Ctrl + A to select all objects, then right click, select Make Clipping Mask .

Picture 53 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

And we have a neat round avatar:

Picture 54 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Step 25

In the last detail we will create a long shadow. Select the Rectangle Tool and create a large rectangle and lower the Opacity to see the images below. Hold down Shif t and rotate the image 45 degrees.

Picture 55 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Use the Pen Tool to mark new anchor points and drag the points so that only the left side is left.

Picture 56 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Drag the shadow layer into the Clip Mask and place it below the parts of the character, just above the background part.

Picture 57 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Change the ball to black and you have the result:

Picture 58 of Create professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator

Thus, the process of creating professional avatars with Adobe Illustrator is completed. With these basic models, you can freely change and personalize the character by changing costumes, hairstyles, skin colors, . to make it your own.

Let's get started and create your own unique avatar!

Update 19 May 2020


Mac OS X



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