Align in Adobe Illustrator

Align in Adobe Illustrator. Alignment is a basic but not least technique in Adobe Illustrator. To get the perfect design, your objects must be aligned, evenly spaced. However, manual alignment c

Alignment is a basic but not least technique in Adobe Illustrator. To get the perfect design, your objects must be aligned, evenly spaced. However, manual alignment is time consuming and sometimes inaccurate.

Follow this article to learn how to use the Align feature to align objects more accurately.

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 1Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 1

First, download this sample and open it in Adobe Illustrator for easy reference.

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 2Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 2

Align 2 objects

First, we pay attention to the two paragraphs in the picture on the left. Select these two objects with the Selection Tool , hold Shift and click each object in turn.

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 3Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 3

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 4Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 4

You open Windows >> Align .

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 5Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 5

Select Align to Selection .

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 6Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 6

To align the 2 vertical lines, select Vertical Align Top , then the lower part will be moved up to the same with the above paragraph.

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 7Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 7

Do the same for the word FOX, we get the following:

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Align an object with Artboard

As you know, Artboard in Illustrator is similar to page in Word or InDesign, so we cannot choose it. So how do we align an object with Artboard?

Select the top Slogan line with the Selection Tool .

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 9Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 9

In the Align window, choose Align to Artboard .

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 10Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 10

To align the Slogan line to the middle of the page, select Horizontal Align Center .

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Align by main object

Pay attention to these two paragraphs, I want to bring the FUN FACT paragraph down to the level below, but if you follow the above two ways, you will never be able to do that. Now we need to Align to main subject.

You select 2 paragraphs with the Selection Tool .

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 12Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 12

Hold Alt and select the second paragraph, now you will see it surrounded by thicker borders. That is, it has become the main object and all other objects will move based on it.

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 13Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 13

Select Align to Key Object.

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Finally, choose Vertical Align Top and get the results:

Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 15Align in Adobe Illustrator Picture 15

So, you already know the 3 alignment methods with Align in Adobe Illustrator. Wishing you successful operation!

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