In 1922, the tomb and mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, one of the most famous ancient Egyptian kings, was discovered opening a historic turning point in Egyptology.

Let's look at the top 10 interesting facts about this 13 numbers!

The pyramid is a great building built and used as a tomb for pharaohs of ancient Egypt. But in 1550 before the sun, when the new kingdom was established, the ancient Egyptians

Legends of ghosts, mysterious serial killings in Paris, the world's capital of light always frighten many people. Here are the 5 most frightening mysterious legends in the

Belief in existence into the supernatural world, the demons of humans have appeared since ancient times. And to protect myself from ghosts and magic of ancient witches used many

After death, all functions maintain the body's life to lose. But in the world, it has been noted that some cases of pregnant women have been identified as dead but still have

Only in 1986 had four giant submarines of four different countries mysteriously disappeared. Will this historic tremor tragedy involve a series of ghosts on the ocean 8 years ago?

Not a character in a Hollywood fantasy movie, a French man who can predict his future makes science impossible to decipher.

Tree stumps are full of human bones, bombs are still intact, ancient primeval forests ... are unexpected discoveries discovered after floods and storms.

Luckily, there have been no documented cases of being able to become the Destroyer of the human race.

The Bermuda Triangle and the Egyptian pyramid are famous for their unanswered mysteries that are known to the world. Song at Mapimí Silent Zone, a mysterious land in Mexico known

Dubbed the ghost bay, or the dead sea, this bay is the grave of hundreds of boats and aircraft. It once swallowed a naval fleet into the water during World War II. And now, ghost

Devil's legend of eating humans, swamp demons, Tom two fingers lurking in the American swamp causing the death of a series of creatures and humans. They were horrifying nightmares

This area has existed for a long time, but in 2013, the US Government recognized its existence.

Recently, the Google Earth application has discovered two strange pyramid-like structures beneath the Atlantic Ocean, 200km off New York (USA).

Can shipwrecks and mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle sea be deciphered by this discovery?

Many people believe that this is a sign of aliens left. However, people who do not believe in aliens say that it is most likely someone's artistic work.

Life and death are the natural rules that all must follow. But in some parts of the world death is taboo, they even apply a law against death to consider death illegal.

Over the years, there have been many reports of USO Soviet records on the USO that have become unexplained mysteries.

This is one of the most mysterious cases of world medicine. So far, this mystery has yet to be solved.