Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 1)

The frightening curse on Tutankhamun's Pharaoh's tomb is thought to have caused many mysterious deaths of many scientists and related people.

The frightening curse on Tutankhamun's Pharaoh's tomb is thought to have caused many mysterious deaths of many scientists and related people.

The curse has been circulated and rumored quickly since the deaths and unfortunate events that have occurred to people involved in the excavation of King Tutankhamun's tombs have made many people anxious and confused. So does the Pharaoh's curse really experience, really hidden supernatural power that can affect human destiny?

Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 1) Picture 1Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 1) Picture 1

The Tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter and Count Carnarvon on November 29, 1922. Right in front of the entrance to the tomb is a stone carved with a warning: " Death will quickly descend upon anyone who dares to disturb Pharaon's sleep ." They ignored that warning and threat and opened the tomb. When entering the tomb, they found the mummy of King Tutankhamun and countless treasures.

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Howard Carter (kneeling) and his colleagues are opening the door of the room containing the coffin Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

It seems the curse is the inspiration right on the opening day of the tomb. Howard Carter came home, he was amazed and frightened to discover that his canary had been swallowed by a cobra . The New York Times also said it was a royal cobra - the symbol of the same on the lid of the coffin of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

The Earl of Carnarvon also died suddenly due to an infected mosquito bite after 6 weeks of excavating the tomb of the famous Pharaoh. A mysterious coincidence happened, the earl's pet dog Susie finally cried out after only a few hours of his death. The frightening curse of Tutankhamun Pharaoh spread quickly, many feared.

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Howard Carter (left) and Count Carnarvon (Right) stand in front of the tomb.

The follower of the curse was archaeologist Arthur Mace of the research team who unearthed the tomb and was also a friend of Earl Carnavon and his doctor died without a cause. Many scientists do not believe in the curse and claim that the cause of these consecutive deaths is due to a long-standing bacterium inside the tomb. Even so, fear still haunts many people.

The next "victim" of the curse was Egyptian prince Ali Kamel Fahmy Bey, who was shot dead by his wife at the hotel after visiting Pharaoh Tut's grave in July 1923.

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The room contains the Pharaoh Tutankhamun's coffin.

Shortly thereafter, radiographer Daoglat, who took an x-ray of King Tut's mummy, died of depression.

The next one was an Egyptian biologist with British citizenship, who led some curious people into the tomb in 1924. Only the next day, he hung himself.

The body of Captain Richar Bethell, Carter archaeologist secretary Carter was found suffocating in his bed in November 1929. His father also died after jumping from the apartment on his 7th floor. .

Edgar Steele, who was in charge of handling artifacts in the tomb of King Tutnakhanmun at the British Museum, died in 1930.
More than a decade later, Howard Carter, who opened the tomb directly, died on March 2, 1939.

Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 1) Picture 5Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 1) Picture 5 Mask of mummy on the coffin pharaoh Tutankhamun from the 18th dynasty.

In addition to the mysterious deaths, a series of other mysterious events occurred, causing many to believe in the fearsome death curse of the Egyptian Pharaoh.

Anthropologist Henry Field recounted that Mr. Carter gave Sir Bruce Ingham one of his friends a paperweight inside a mummy arm with a wrist wearing a scarab-shaped bracelet engraved with the words. " The curse will come down to anyone who dares to move my body. Fire, water and disease will come to him . " Mr. Ingram's house was burned down shortly after he received this gift. Moreover, when the house was rebuilt, it was attacked by a flood.

Howard Carter himself also recorded in his diary a strange event that happened to him. In May 1926, for the first time in more than 35 years in the desert in Egypt, he saw wild dogs of the same type as Anubis , the god who protected the dead and the tombs in religion. Ancient Egypt.

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Anubis in ancient Egyptian beliefs.

Many people are worried about the pharaoh's curse, but there are also many people who are skeptical about the existence of the curse. Because of the 58 people present when opening the tomb and coffin of King Tutnakhanmun only 8 people died in a decade. All the rest still live healthy, even Howard Carter lives up to 64 years of age and dies of lymphoma cancer.

However, the mysteries of the pharaoh's curse Tutnakhanmun has not stopped, but it continues and happens to the tomb harassers and mummies for decades.

In 1972, the British Museum received treasure in King Tomb of Tutnakhanmun for display. The director of the estate, Dr. Gamal Mehrez, laughed at the curse and said that all the deaths and misfortunes of people involved in the tomb during the past decades were just " coincidences. " " . On that very night, after overseeing the packaging of artifacts transferred to the museum he passed away.

Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 1) Picture 7Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 1) Picture 7 The treasure of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Even the crew members on the flight carrying these antiques also have unfortunate things. Ken Parkinson, a row engineer who suffered no chronic heart attacks every year on the day of a treasure flight to England in 1972. The heart attack eventually took his life in 1978.

Air Force Captain Jim Webb lost his entire property due to a fire that burned his house. Flight attendant Brian Rounsfall also suffered two heart attacks before confessing to playing cards on King Tutankhamun's coffin on the flight.

The deaths and the unfortunate occurrences of those who come to the tomb are amazing but still cannot verify the accuracy of the curse. Thus, the mysterious curse surrounding the pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb is still an unexplained answer.

  1. Mysterious curse of Egyptian Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (part 2)

The video explores the tomb of King Tutankhamun

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