Top 10 interesting facts about the number 13 in the dark

Let's look at the top 10 interesting facts about this 13 numbers!

According to Russian Itogi magazine, when you have the opportunity to visit the United Kingdom, Australia or Canada, you will not be able to find a house with a number of 13. German airlines lack the number of seats 13 or on the road. American street never saw any bus carrying number 13, never on the 13th floor and staying in the room with the number 13.

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In fact, the number 13 is just a natural number after 12 and before 14. For those who learn English, they often mistake between 13 and 30. However, the number 13 is often noticed on world, it is always associated with culture, myths and beliefs. Some countries also claim that the number 13 is an unfortunate number . Let's look at the top 10 interesting facts about this 13 numbers !

1. Maya Calendar

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Maya Calendar is a calendar calendar system used in the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization and some modern Maya communities. The Mayan calendar is the 13th Baktun cycle . It is associated with forebears related to the end of the world in 2012.

Currently, the Maya also abstain from the number 13 as Westerners, so they choose a period of time of 12 b'ak'kun. This is an unreasonable assumption, because the source of the number 13 is unlucky from the death of the Lord in the first year of Christ.

2. Triskaidekaphobia

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In Greek " triskaidekaphobia ", tris means " 3 ", kai means " and ", deka means " 10 " and phobos means " fear ". Therefore, in 1911 the term "triskaidekaphobia" was used to define the obsession or fear of number 13.

3. The unlucky thing

Many people who use the term " triskaidekaphobia " always try to avoid everything associated with number 13 because they think this number will bring unfortunate things to them.

4. Hotels and high-rise buildings in the world

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Since the number 13 is labeled as unlucky numbers , high-rise buildings and hotels around the world are trying to avoid the number 13. For example, in some buildings you will find signs easily. Write " 12-A ", " B-12 " or " 12 +1 " to indicate the room number or the 13th floor.

5. Assume it is unlucky

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Many people think that " Friday 1 March" is an unlucky day . To mark the fear of this phenomenon, psychiatrists invented a special term, "paraskavidekatriafobiya " (fear of Friday 13).

Also, when eating a meal that you are the 13th seat is also considered an unlucky thing. This is a superstition related to the story of Judas, the 13th person at the Last Supper, who betrayed Jesus and eventually hung himself.

6. The "Last Supper" or "Last Supper" - The Last Supper

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In the " last supper " picture, Jesus sat with 12 other apostles. That means 13 people sit at the table - and the unlucky thing happened to Jesus.

Therefore, a superstitious dinner in Paris with 13 guests will definitely have to have a 14th guest honor, that meal will be conducted. In particular, Napoleon and Herbert Hoover were scared of the number 13. President Franklin D. Roosevelt often did not go anywhere on the 13th of the month and he never invited 13 guests to sit at the same table.

7. Full moon calendar (13 month calendar)

Monks can be in big trouble if the calendar has 13 full moons in a year, because it will be difficult to arrange church festivals if there are 13 months in a year. In the past, when it was invented, a calendar usually had all 13 months of full moon. But because number 13 is an unfortunate number, people adjusted to 12 months and ignored the moon cycle.

However, the Chinese still decided to follow the lunar year for 13 months and had a solar calendar or the Ha family calendar. This helps farmers to accurately judge the time of harvest. In addition, the lunar calendar also marks important holidays such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on the 15th of the 8th lunar month every year.

8. Lucky number

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In fact, the number 13 is not always labeled as an unfortunate number, because in Italy the number 17 is an unfortunate number, and the number 13 is a lucky number . 13 Americans in the nineteenth century formed a "13" club in New York City to avoid being dependent on fear of 13 and out of ancient prejudices. Their goal is to ridicule superstition and unreasonable taboo for this unfortunate number. The members of the club affirmed: " Nothing terrible happened to them and number 13 is the most beautiful figure in the world ".

9. Singer Taylor Swift

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The singer Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989, and even her birthday falls on Friday. In many people's opinion, Friday 13th is an extremely dark day, but this girl is is a very beautiful and successful female singer. She always considers number 13 as a lucky number and often uses it in videos, lyrics, costumes .

10. Taylor Swift's success is all about number 13

Taylor Swift always felt extremely lucky with the number 13. Within 13 weeks, her first album won gold certification. Besides the album " Fearless " Taylor has let her number of songs be 13 and nothing is unfortunate. Because 11/13 songs on this album reached the Billboard Hot 100.

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