Terahertz rays can move data 1,000 times more than a normal 100 megabit network.

An Australian university has just created an interesting lithium metal battery prototype, in contrast to today's lithium batteries.

With its flat mouth, big eyes and hanging upside down on a tree, Vesperopterylus is indeed the strangest ancient flying pterosaur ever existed on Earth.

The difficult problem that has puzzled science for years has been solved, creating a breakthrough in optoelectronics.

The project is expected by Tesla to help reduce the cost of batteries fitted to electric cars, thereby helping them better compete on prices with traditional gasoline cars.

A group of Chinese scientists points out that the new strain of corona virus is born from recombinant events in nature, not from the laboratory.

According to scientists, the flowers can listen to bees and make their honey sweeter to lure the bees to pollinate.

Leedsichthys is a giant fish of the Pachycormidae family, a group of Mesozoic bony fish that lived in the mid-Jurassic oceans.

Fat is something that always exists on an animal's body, but in fact they are very biodegradable and cannot exist in the form of fossils like bones, but recently paleontologists

Since 1988, alcohol has been recommended for handwashing to help fight germs. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers called World Health Organization called alcohol preparations are

In the world, there are many types of egg-laying animals, and each egg has its own interesting characteristics in shape, color, size ... For example, the egg of a bird living on a

The 13 pictures below will help you learn a lot more about the world around you in the simplest and most concise way.

Over the past 50 years, a series of zoonotic diseases have spread rapidly to humans. Specifically, the great ape was the culprit causing the HIV / AIDS crisis in the 1980s, the

In this article, we will take a look at 10 female characters in the Avengers that will not be tired of any enemies.

We often see the sky is blue, but why it is so not everyone knows. Here is an interesting explanation of this phenomenon in the lens of science, please refer.

In the world, there are many restaurants that have made menus with gold inlaid dishes are extremely expensive. This makes many people wonder whether gold is edible or just for

Scientists first created a living creature designed by artificial intelligence, called Xenobot. According to the researchers, Xenobot is made from frog stem cells and the creature

Through the films, we know a lot of useful information, but there are also exaggerated, fictional absurd details used by the filmmakers to increase the drama and make many people

Recently, researchers at ETH Zurich have successfully created a super light gold from plastic. This new type of gold retains the same level of purity as that of 18K gold.

On January 11, China officially launched the world's largest telescope, called FAST, located on a mountain in Guizhou province, southwestern China to study the universe and search.