A rooster in India easily defeats a lethal king cobra after stunned enemies with circular dance and fatal pecks to protect chickens.
Just a little careless, seagulls were caught by octopus and drowned in shallow water on the Richmond River in the northern state of New South Wales, Australia in the presence of
Even snails possess a huge number of teeth up to 15,000. So why don't birds own any teeth while they have very hard beaks?
Is it true that sharks bite off, causing marine fiber optic incidents? And why do sharks like to bite cables? Let's try to find out!
The average depth of the oceans on Earth is 4,267m. So how can organisms live in the ocean at the greatest depth?
It sounds unbelievable but really exists poisonous birds. The first case of poisonous birds recorded in the world is due to researcher Jack Dumbacher accidentally discovered in
Researchers from Portugal's Marine and Atmospheric Research Institute were stunned to 'encounter' a strange shark that existed from prehistoric times in the deep waters of the
The hornets repeatedly 'tossed' poisonous stings at the huge Tarantula spider causing its victim to be paralyzed and knocked down.
We all know, dogs and cats use their tongues to drink water, but have you ever wondered how they control their tongue?
Not all rivers are safe and peaceful, sometimes they are so violent that they can deprive all people of what they have given.
The male mantis continues to mate and fertilize the egg after being bitten off by the mantis. It seems that he accepted his offering to provide energy for his children to be a
Seeing the 'strange object' on the tree, the curious man touched his hand and was startled to see its reaction.
Taking advantage of the sleeping bird, the coconut crab swings its prey. Although trying to struggle, the bird still could not escape the stronger and stronger pair of crabs and
Scientists have discovered fossils of ancient pandas that are thought to be over 10 million years old in Hungary, according to a report in international science journal New
If a turtle crawls around the Earth, will it be possible to complete that distance by the time it 'breathes'? Try to guess the results in the article below!
Although it weighs only about 2-2.5mg on average, they can suck up to three times the amount of body mass without being detected.
The sand cat has a cute appearance despite the time, from a young age, to an adult until the old, still looks like a kitten. In particular, this cat can bark like a dog.
According to the Mysterious World poll, the following 10 fruits are considered to be delicious and rare because they are only available in certain areas. Discover to see how many
The image slows down the scene of the lioness rushing to Kevin Richardson, a South African conservationist standing in the water as if attacking the prey that makes viewers
The Guinness Book of World Records has enrolled dogs and cats with physical characteristics or special abilities due to hard work.