Warlike Kangaroo rushes to fight the man on the Australian street

The kangaroo, though still quite small, is very aggressive. It constantly launches a strike as a professional gladiator for 3 minutes.

The kangaroo, though still quite small, is very aggressive. It constantly launches a strike as a professional gladiator for 3 minutes.

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The confrontation between the aggressive male kangaroo and the man was recorded by a witness on the remote gravel road of Australia.

It seems that this man has thrust into the Kangaroo's chest causing him to be excited. Thanks to the firm tail that held him flat, the male Kangaroo stood upright, his hands clinging to the man and constantly swinging his kicking opponent. The struggle lasted 3 minutes and it seemed that neither side would surrender.

When the video was posted on social networks, a lot of conflicting comments were made. Some say that this is just a joke of the man and the Kangaroo. And he just wanted to practice boxing skills for it. But there are also many who believe that the action of the man is cruel treatment of animals and deserves to be condemned.

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