Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times

Researchers from Portugal's Marine and Atmospheric Research Institute were stunned to 'encounter' a strange shark that existed from prehistoric times in the deep waters of the coastal ocean. Algarve (Portugal).

Researchers from Portugal's Marine and Atmospheric Research Institute were amazed when 'confronting' a strange shaped shark that existed from prehistoric times in the deep water area of ​​the great ocean coast Algarve (Portugal).

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They are crested sharks, they have a solid body and have up to 300 sharp teeth. Crested sharks live near the ocean floor 80 million years ago and are one of the oldest creatures in the world.

Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 1Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 1 Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 2Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 2

The researchers said that this individual shark shark is about 1.5 meters long and is found at a depth of 700m under the seabed. It is considered a "living fossil" because crested sharks used to live in the Cretaceous, at the same time as Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 3Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 3 Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 4Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 4

Crested sharks are known as ocean killers. They use jaws with up to 300 teeth to trap prey such as squid, fish, and even other sharks. In addition, crested sharks can also inflate their mouths to swallow their prey as big as half of them.

Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 5Catching a strange long-body shark like a snake, possessing up to 300 teeth and dating back to prehistoric times Picture 5

With a twist like snake, sharp jaws, crested sharks are often misunderstood as 'sea monsters'. Shark sharks live close to the deep sea so humans have little chance to encounter and learn about this strange shark. In 2016, a Russian fisherman - Roman Fedortsov was lucky enough to catch an individual shark.

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