6 steps to quickly try your laptop

You need to buy a laptop but do not know how to test how to feel secure about the quality of the product even though it is 'brand new'. Try these simple steps to check the machine status.

Simple test steps can help you check the status of your device quickly.

Need to buy a laptop but do not know how to test how to feel secure about the quality of the product even though it is "brand new " , you can check it very quickly with a few extremely simple steps as follows.

Measure start time.

Picture 1 of 6 steps to quickly try your laptop

Measure the time to start the machine. (Photo: PC World).

Use a stopwatch to check the boot time of the device, from when it is turned on to the machine ready to work.

Check the display angles.

Picture 2 of 6 steps to quickly try your laptop

Flip the screen in multiple locations to check the viewing angle.(Photo: PC World) .

Observe the computer screen from different angles, both vertically and horizontally to check carefully whether the display color changes, the image is blurry.

Check the screen.

Picture 3 of 6 steps to quickly try your laptop

Check the brightness and color of the screen.(Photo: PC World).

Open a website with standard color templates to check the screen and preview the image patterns and adjust the screen brightness. Is the display bright enough for outdoor use or is it too glare under natural light?

Try the keyboard.

Picture 4 of 6 steps to quickly try your laptop

Try the accuracy of the keyboard.(Photo: PC World).

The quality of the keyboard sometimes depends on the user. Each individual has the ability to use different fingers, so he may like different sets of keyboards. So, choose the type of keyboard that you feel most comfortable using. Maybe try by opening Notepad or Word and typing a few lines, whether the operation will give fast and accurate results.

Check the touchpad.

Picture 5 of 6 steps to quickly try your laptop

Is the tablet too sensitive?(Photo: PC World).

Check your touchpad and 2 left / right mouse buttons by opening other websites and windows. Move the cursor and click, open the text . whether the function of the mouse takes you to the right position, whether the touchpad is so sensitive that the index finger can cause the mouse cursor to jump when you type?

Try opening the app.

Picture 6 of 6 steps to quickly try your laptop

Try the running speed of the application.(Photo: PC World).

Try opening any installed application to test its operating speed. If you roll between several different models, you can open the same application at the same time on different machines to compare the performance of each machine. However, select the " offline" app to make sure the results are not affected by internet speed.

Update 25 May 2019


Mac OS X



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