The decision to 'pocket' before choosing to buy a laptop
It is essential to check the stability of your laptop before buying it, to help you avoid buying poor quality products.
Currently laptop manufacturers have a strict quality management process, but that doesn't mean that every laptop on the market is perfect. There are still cases of malfunctioning machines and make users troubled. To avoid buying defective products, it is necessary to check the quality of the machine before buying. The instructions below will help you thoroughly check the machine before you buy so you can own a laptop that best suits you.
Step 1: Check the container
This is the first step to take when buying a laptop. You need to check the box to see if there are any dents or tears. In the event of a dent, tear, or any indication that the case has been "stamped", be careful. At the same time, you check whether the box has the original material sealed or not, to avoid the case that the box has been peeled off and then re-attached.
If there are abnormal signs, remember to capture the status of the box before proceeding to the next steps.
The decision to 'pocket' before choosing to buy a laptop Picture 1
Step 2: Check inside
Usually the product box will contain both the battery, the battery, the power cord, except the built-in battery models. If the device uses a removable battery, you will have to insert the battery manually.
Step 3: Check the device
Now go to the machine test. You remove the plastic layer, or any kind of protective cover around the machine. Check and make sure that the camera angles, as well as the upper cover, the underside of the machine do not have cracks, or any signs of damage. You also need to try opening and closing the lid several times to make sure it works smoothly and no strange noises are heard.
The keyboard of the device is also a component to be tested. Try the keyboard to see if the keys have subsidence when you tap a key next to it. The shallow or deep key stroke is also very important and may affect your typing experience later.
If everything is okay, the next step is to insert the battery into the device and turn it on to perform other tests.
Step 4: Check the machine configuration
You need to check if your laptop is the same as the manufacturer advertised. Test components include chip model, VGA, RAM, hard drive capacity .
To check, open the System Properties window on the machine by the following way:
Windows 7 : Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop and select Properties. If this icon is not displayed on the desktop, right-click the desktop and choose Personalize> change desktop icons and check the Computer box at the top, in the Desktop icons section.
Windows 8: Open Windows Explorer , right-click on " This PC " on the left, select Properties
Check the information that appears with the information that the manufacturer advertised, including the Windows version (if the device is preinstalled with Windows ), chip (Processor) , RAM (Installed Memory) .
The decision to 'pocket' before choosing to buy a laptop Picture 2
Next, check the hard drive capacity by opening the Run menu ( Windows + R key) . In this window, enter diskmgmt.msc and press Enter or click OK .
Here you can check whether the actual hard drive capacity on the device is the same as the manufacturer advertised. Note that the amount of space that the operating system receives is only about 92% of the amount that the laptop manufacturer advertises, because of how different the capacity is between the hardware manufacturer and Windows. Say so so that you know that the difference is completely normal and there is nothing to "freak out ".
The decision to 'pocket' before choosing to buy a laptop Picture 3
Finally, we need to check the graphics card component. You also open the Run menu as above but enter devmgmt.msc and then Ente r or click OK.
You expand the " Display Adapters " section in the window that appears ( click the arrow next to ). This is the graphics card component that Windows recognizes and you can check if it is correct for the laptop manufacturer's model of the card advertised.
The decision to 'pocket' before choosing to buy a laptop Picture 4
Step 5: Run Memtest86 +
Memtest86 + is a utility that helps you check the quality of RAM. We have 2 ways to use Memtest86 + to burn to CD / DVD or USB flash. After writing the application to disk you proceed to reboot the machine and prioritize the system to boot with memtest86 +. RAM testing process will be done immediately. Let the software run for 1 day to conduct a full RAM test. If the trial finds an error, you need to contact the vendor or manufacturer to make a complaint.
Step 6: Check "dead pixels"
The decision to 'pocket' before choosing to buy a laptop Picture 5
Not all models are produced in the same quality. There are cases in the process of producing screens that will fail some pixels that we call dead pixels. To check if the screen has this error, let the screen show a full black picture and then check the dead point ( if any ).
On Windows 7/8: right-click on the desktop > select "Personalize" > click "Desktop Background" > select "Solid Colors" from the drop-down menu> click on the black icon > click the Save Changes button .
Then, check the screen carefully for any blue pixels or any pixel color changes. If yes, contact the manufacturer for warranty or renewal. However, note that there are manufacturers that only allow to change the device if the screen has 5 or more dead pixels, so you need to check the warranty terms and innovations before buying.
Step 7: Check the power cord, battery life
Battery check step is quite easy. You charge up to 95% or more of the battery then unplug the charger and use it until the battery runs out. You check to see how long the battery can last and exactly what is advertised. Of course the amount of battery that the manufacturer advertises is usually in low-use conditions, which may differ from your actual usage.
You check the power cord by noticing how long it takes to fully charge the battery, for too long or not. Otherwise there is no problem.
Step 8: Check the quality of the connection port
The decision to 'pocket' before choosing to buy a laptop Picture 6
The connection ports also need to be guaranteed to function normally before purchasing the device. You use external devices plugged into each port on the machine, such as USB port, HDMI . If the port works normally, all connections occur without any problems. Finally check the sound quality through speakers and headphone jacks on the device.
It is very important to check the quality and stability of the machine before buying. It helps you avoid buying poor quality products, and a smooth machine from the beginning is likely to run "even" in the future. Of course, there are still machines that will generate errors during use. At this point you need to contact the manufacturer for instructions on warranty or repair.
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